Sample Class Schedule for an SID Student

Serina Herron-Smith, MA SID'24

February 08, 2024

Serina headshotsIf you’re thinking about applying next year or just looking for some ideas for what classes to take, gather ‘round!

I’m here to share with you my Fall 2023 Module 1 class schedule. I’ll tell you a bit about the workload and give some insight on class assignments! But that’s it! It’s up to you to decide whether or not to take the classes. This can just help you plan ahead and to see what a typical week in the life of a Heller student.



Class: HS 288f - Shifting Development Paradigms 2:30 p - 5:20 p

Requirement credit: Ethics

Workload: Heavy

Thoughts: This class requires you to think beyond what you know and question everything. The readings can be long and dense but they are insightful . Don’t let that scare you: ultimately through the group project and final paper, you’ll be able to use the readings and insights gained from class to discover new ways of thinking. Critical thinking is a skill that you can carry through life, everyone!



Class: HS 283 - Gender and Development 9:35 a - 12:25 p

Requirement credit: Gender

Workload: Moderate

Thoughts: If you’re never taken a course on gender before this is an excellent place to start. The readings vary from short to medium length and the main assignment is a group paper and presentation at the end. Be prepared to do the readings and participate in the class discussions – it’s to your benefit.


Class: HS 342b - Policy Advocacy, Protest, and Community Organizing 9:05 a - 11:55 a

Requirement credit: Elective

Workload: Light/moderate

Thoughts: This semester-long course has recommended readings as well as required readings. There’s a weekly google sheet to make sure you’ve been reading the required readings but the main assignment is a final paper and a short reflection paper. The guest speakers make the nearly 3 hour class fly by. This is another course that really flexes your critical thinking skills.

Class: HS 279a - Planning and Implementation 2:30p - 5:20 p

Requirement credit: Required core course for SID students

Workload: Moderate

Thoughts: This semester-long course teaches you the fundamentals of planning and implementing sustainable projects. Taught by Professor Assan, each week is masterfully crafted to build upon the last. Do the readings, take notes, and be engaged. There are four assignments evenly distributed throughout the semester with the final assignment being the most critical as it builds upon everything you’ve learned.