Looking for someone?
Once a Heller student, always a member of the Heller family. Staying connected to your Heller family benefits you and other community members. BConnect is the online alumni directory available to all Brandeis graduates. Joining allows you to find specific Heller or Brandeis friends, and make sure that Heller dispatches can find you.
Tell us what you've been up to
Seriously, we’d love to hear from you (and brag about you)! Send updates to helleralumni@brandeis.edu to let us know about your achievements, or update your info to let us know about a big move or job change. We’ll share your good news with your professors and possibly through social media or in Heller Magazine.
Stay informed
Wondering what’s happening at Heller? In short: there’s a lot going on. Stay informed on daily happenings through social media, learn about major news and events in monthly email newsletters, stay up-to-date on the latest research and read inspiring stories in our print publications, and more.
Resources for alumni
As Brandeis alumni, you have lifelong access to library services, discounts and other benefits. And, as Heller alumni, you are granted continued full access to the Career Development Center for life. Search for jobs, set up career advising appointments and more through Handshake or email Career Development Center staff at hellercareers@brandeis.edu.