Admissions and Financial Aid

Summer Career Academy

What is Summer Career Academy (SCA)?

SCA offers the opportunity to jumpstart your career planning, to access tailored career resources, and to learn more about yourself and other career essentials. This highly recommended online career preparation program is designed to introduce incoming graduate degree students to the Heller Career Development Office and to the professional building blocks necessary for shaping a satisfying career journey.

SCA Timeline

Students will be introduced to a different topic each day Monday thru Thursday of SCA week; application activities and opportunities for staff engagement accompany each daily content area as well. While SCA is facilitated across four designated days, students may choose to complete the day(s) of interest to them. That is, students may complete just one of the days, defer completing SCA until after the Fall semester begins, or complete all four days as outlined below. In essence, SCA is designed to be self-paced for students who need that flexibility.

Schedule & Content Areas

Coming soon!

Is SCA Mandatory?

No. SCA is highly impactful and strongly encouraged.

How Do I Register for SCA?

SCA remains available to all incoming graduate degree students. Students are automatically enrolled after they have accepted their offer of admission, made a deposit, and successfully created Brandeis credentials. After these 3 conditions have been met, sit back, relax, and watch your Brandeis inbox for an instructional email on the morning of each corresponding day!

SCA Next Steps

Week #1 instructions will be sent in August. In the meantime, you can learn more about the Heller Career Development Office on our website.