Office of Alumni Relations

Heller Stories

To celebrate 65 years of the Heller School, we are collecting alumni and student stories and photos to share. Thank you for completing the form below to submit your story and photo which we will post on this page as well as in publications.

Share your Heller experiences here!

Petros Stathopoulos, PhD'01

Petros Stathopoulos, PhD'01

Emeritus Professor of Social Work, University of West Attica

“I was one of the first students who entered the Heller School. I was employed initially in 1973 at the Gardner State Hospital which was to be closed down in the process of de-institutionalization. Consequently I joined the Mental Health Center in the Fitchburg area as director of research evaluation. I had the privilege of meeting distinguished professors, scholars who were internationally known academics such as David Gil, Roland Warren, and Robert Morris. They, as well as the remaining faculty members, exhibited a positive and friendly attitude towards all students and especially those of us who were married and employed with a full-time position and in addition had to successfully meet the academic demands of a challenging program.

“The PhD program provided a theoretical framework for the analysis of social problems, the methodology and skills to deal effectively. Last year I completed my autobiography where there is extensive reference to my studies and experience at Brandeis.”

Sarah Emond, MPP'09

Sarah Emond, MPP'09

President-Elect, ICER (Institute for Clinical and Economic Review

“I reflect often on just how much I learned during my time as a student. Not only the subject matter expertise I gained, and the deep appreciation for the historical context of American social welfare policy, but also what I gained by becoming part of such an incredible group of Heller alumni. Their passion, commitment to social justice, and kindness, are a remarkable fountain from which I constantly draw inspiration.”

Kimberly Lucas, PhD'20

Professor of the Practice in Public Policy and Economic Justice, Northeastern University

During our comprehensive exams, our cohort quickly became a few different pods of study groups. I remember our group coming together weekly to synthesize key readings and concepts, discuss these in application, and figure out how to divide the next chunk of stuff to study. I loved our time together in fellowship and scholarship!”
Sheldon Gelman, PhD'73

Sheldon Gelman, PhD'73

Retired Professor Emeritus/Schachne Dean Emeritus, Yeshiva University

“I remember the opportunity to participate in the planning and crafting of class action right to treatment litigation cases and the deinstitutionalization movement. The Heller School opened opportunities for numerous international research, academic, and community service collaborations.”

Carmen Hicks, MPP'14

Carmen Hicks, MPP'14

Group Product Manager, Code for America

“When I was an MPP [student], we used to run an MPP student association kickball fundraiser game which pit the 1st years vs. 2nd years, with Mike [Doonan] and Mary [Brolin] acting as captains. It was such a fun time to get together, blow off some steam, build community as a degree program, and raise money for a local Waltham nonprofit.

“My time at the Heller School and in the MPP program completely changed my life. From the friendships and community that I built to the knowledge I gained during my studies and from my classmates, I attribute my success in the world of civic tech to that pivotal time in my life. The perspectives I bring and expertise I lend is what Heller and the MPP program prepared me for and I will forever be appreciative.”

Roberta Ward Walsh, PhD'89

Roberta Ward Walsh, PhD'89

Retired from Florida Gulf Coast University

“Over 40 years ago I anxiously embarked upon my graduate experience at the Heller School with the goal of earning a PhD to secure a position in higher education—transitioning from a career in government service. What I remember most was the unwavering support and encouragement I received from administration, faculty, and fellow students. From completion of core degree requirements through comprehensive examinations and dissertation, it was arduous but rewarding beyond my expectations. The rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum in social policy ultimately provided me with a foundation to serve in an academic leadership role, developing an MPA degree program at a newly established state institution of higher education. As well, research skills I developed at Heller enabled me to succeed in grantsmanship and achieve full professorship status.”