Brielle's Reflections on her Letter to her Future Self

Brielle Ruscitti, MS GHPM/MA SID '24

April 23, 2024

Brielle RuscittiI cannot believe the time has come and I am writing my final blog post for the Heller Blog. The past two years have flown by and in just a few short weeks the class of 2024 will be walking across the stage. As we are preparing to enter the next phase of life, it's important to look back at where the blogs began – and I will be reflecting on my “letter to my future self.” 

  • Did you get to experience all you wanted during your time at Heller? I hope you found a balance between the two degrees and have been able to fine tune your passions. I’m happy to see you figured out the practicum and a master’s final project, all the worrying and planning paid off. I hope you were able to participate in meaningful service in your community and find research you were passionate about. YES! I remember being so concerned about meeting requirements and finding my next steps and now at the end of the journey I think I have accomplished that! I was able to align my goals, find a research match and this has also helped me land my first job.
  • Where are you headed next? Are you going to be living abroad, or staying in Boston? Are you starting a new job? If yes, are you going to be working for a non-profit, an NGO or maybe a research institute? If not, are you considering more education? Well, I hope that more school is not plan A, but maybe something in the future. As my time at the Heller School ends, I am staying close by but moving over to Boston College to continue my research. More education is still not plan A but not out of mind either. 
  • What are your next life steps? I hope you’ve been able to travel while still in school and that if you’re headed into a career, it will lend to a similar lifestyle. Also, I really hope you’re still planning to get a dog or a cat, if you haven’t already, in the near future- hint, a graduation gift to yourself! Over the past couple of years, I have been able to travel so many new places, visit family and friends and l even got a cat!
  • I hope during this time that you think back to your undergraduate graduation and know how much uncertainty and doubt you have overcome to get to this moment and that everything has worked out exactly as it should. I hope you took time to learn new skills, try different classes, maybe test out a new hobby and took time to just be present. I hope you take time to appreciate all the support and love you have received during this time and thank your family and friends. Once again, congratulations and I hope you know you’ve made Brielle of 2022 proud. While I still feel a sense of uncertainty moving forward, I know that my time at the Heller School has prepared me for whatever comes next.

Reading my initial letter to myself was such a greater reflection – and took me back to how I felt and what I wanted to figure out at the Heller School. While I don’t have all the answers, I cannot thank the Heller community, classmates and my friends and family enough for all the support over the past couple of years. I have loved my time writing for the Heller blogs and can’t wait to be an alumna.