Master of Arts in Sustainable International Development

SID Faculty

Professor Sampath with students

Heller SID faculty bring a mix of area expertise, topical knowledge and field experience to their teaching and research. Most faculty members have held leader­ship positions in organizations that include United Nations agencies, private foundations such as the Ford Foundation, consulting groups such as World Education and John Snow Inc., and a range of non-governmental advocacy organizations such as Oxfam America.

Joseph K. Assan, PhD, Director, MA in Sustainable International Development Program

Joseph Assan

Senior Lecturer and Director, MA Program in Sustainable International Development

Expertise: International political economy, sustainable development, international development, development studies, development management, sustainable livelihoods, climate change adaptation and poverty reduction, environmentally-induced vulnerabilities and human security, resilience to climatic variability, environmentally-induced migration and development policy analysis, environment, health and human well-being

781-736-3989 Heller-Brown 154
Head shot of Professor Larry Bailis

Larry Bailis

Associate Professor

Expertise: Service programs, service-learning and experiential education; university-community partnerships; college access and other youth development programs; program evaluation; political advocacy, protest, and community organizing

617-866-2468 Heller-Brown 369
Can Erbil, Adjunct Professor of the Practice

Can Erbil

Adjunct Professor of the Practice

Expertise: Development economics, economic modeling (on CGE), international trade (with a focus on trade liberalization and tax reforms), political economy
Ricardo Godoy, Professor of International Development

Ricardo Godoy


Expertise: Acculturation; inequality; social capital; econometrics; research design; Bolivia; indigenous peoples; native Amazonians; panel studies; randomized controlled trials

Dr. Godoy manages the Tsimane’ Amazonian Panel Study that conducts annual measures of socioeconomic, demographic, health, and psychological indicators.

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Nader Habibi, Professor

Nader Habibi


Expertise: Microeconomic theory; economics of the Middle East; managerial economics; development economics

781-736-5325 Crown Center, Lemberg Hall 226
Susan Holcombe, Professor Emerita

Susan Holcombe

Professor Emerita of the Practice

Expertise: Management and implementation of development policies, programs, and projects

781-736-2207 Heller-Brown 105
Marion Howard, MA'04, Professor Emerita

Marion Howard, MA SID'04

Professor Emerita

Expertise: Planning and implementation, small island sustainable development, coastal and marine conservation, protected areas, community participation

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Ravi Lakshmikanthan, MA SID'99, Lecturer

Ravi Lakshmikanthan, MA SID'99


Expertise: Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in international development projects; certified GIS Professional (GISP)

781-736-2753 Schneider 104
Richard Lockwood, Instructor

Richard Lockwood

Adjunct Adviser

Expertise: analysis of agricultural, food, and nutrition policy on the well-being of nutritionally vulnerable populations

Dan Perlman, Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies

Dan L. Perlman

Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies

Expertise: Ecology, conservation biology, and animal behavior. Pedagogical methods and innovations.
781-736-2687 Rabb Graduate Center, 347
Pratistha Joshi Rajkarnikar, Adjunct Lecturer

Pratistha Joshi Rajkarnikar

Adjunct Lecturer

Expertise: Economic development; macroeconomic theory and policy; feminist economics

Chandler Rosenberger, Assistant Professor of International and Global Studies and Sociology

Chandler Rosenberger

Assistant Professor of International and Global Studies and Sociology

Expertise: Nationalism, sociology of religion, comparative and historical sociology

781-736-2638 Mandel Center for the Humanities 106
Rajesh Sampath, Associate Professor of the Philosophy of Justice, Rights, and Social Change

Rajesh Sampath

Associate Professor of the Philosophy of Justice, Rights and Social Change

Expertise: General topics in applied moral and political philosophy; philosophy of development; comparative religions; theories of justice; development ethics; philosophy of law, comparative constitutional law, human rights and theories of democracy

781-736-5338 Heller-Brown 157
Donald Shepard, Professor

Donald Shepard


Expertise: Health economics, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis, health financing in the United States and globally, and their application to drug and alcohol abuse, cardiovascular disease, dengue and malaria

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Laurence Simon, Professor and Director, Center for Global Development and Sustainability

Laurence R. Simon

Professor and Director, Center for Global Development and Sustainability

Expertise: Philosophy of development, political/cultural geography, psychological and cultural barriers to poverty alleviation, agrarian reform, project planning and implementation, organizational management, post-harvest technology transfer, social exclusion and emancipatory development, qualitative evaluation

781-736-4148 Heller-Brown 160
David J. Whalen, MBA'00, Adjunct Lecturer

David Whalen, MBA'00

Adjunct Lecturer

Expertise: effective management of development and fundraising programs