The Heller School's world-class research institutes and centers specialize in a variety of social policy fields and disciplines. 

Our institutes maintain a portfolio of over $19 million in sponsored research projects, offer opportunities for student employment, provide specialized courses and train doctoral students for research careers. We take great pride in bringing evidence and knowledge to bear on social justice efforts wherever they exist—and wherever they do not. 

Schneider Institutes for Health Policy and Research

Founded in 1978 as one of the first U.S. academically-based health care research centers, the Schneider Institutes for Health Policy and Research (SIHPR) expanded from a sole focus on federal health policy to a broader portfolio that includes global as well as state- and community-based issues. The Schneider Institutes include the Institute on Healthcare Systems, the Institute for Behavioral Health and the Institute for Global Health and Development.
A stethoscope, pen and calculator on top of health insurance paperwork

Institute on Healthcare Systems

The Institute on Healthcare Systems (IHS) is home to many innovations in healthcare research and policy, and is dedicated to providing rigorous technical solutions to policymakers and other stakeholders who are striving to improve quality, efficiency, and value.

Institute for Behavioral Health

The Institute for Behavioral Health (IBH) aims to increase recognition of the way behaviors impact health, and to work with systems and organizations to design processes and approaches that improve the overall health of the population.

Institute for Global Health and Development

The Institute for Global Health and Development (IGHD) works on the structure and delivery of healthcare systems, with research, thought leadership and high-level policy engagement aimed at shaping and informing the Universal Health Coverage agenda.

Center for Youth and Communities

Established at the Heller School in 1983, the Center for Youth and Communities (CYC) works to improve the quality of education, workforce development, and community systems in order to prepare young people for college, work, and life.
Group of children laughing

Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy

The Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy (ICYFP) conducts research on the conditions children need to grow and thrive. The Institute's research focuses on collecting and analyzing data on the health, education, and housing conditions needed for healthy childhoods, and identifying gaps in access to those conditions.

Institute for Economic and Racial Equity

The Institute for Economic and Racial Equity (IERE) advances economic opportunity and equity for individuals and families, particularly households of color and those kept out of the economic mainstream.

Lurie Institute for Disability Policy

The Lurie Institute for Disability Policy conducts multidisciplinary research on the needs, experiences, and policy priorities of people with disabilities. The Institute's work covers a wide range of topics, including the experiences of parents with disabilities; policies addressing long-term services and supports for people with disabilities; and health and healthcare outcomes.

Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy

The Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy draws upon scholarship and practitioner experience to inform philanthropic practice and giving. Through publications, webinars, public events, courses and fellowships, the Center engages emerging and established members of the philanthropic community across the United States.

Center for Global Development and Sustainability

The Center for Global Development and Sustainability (GDS) is an interdisciplinary and multinational group that advances scholarship and applied research on problems of vulnerability in developing countries as well as in advanced economies. GDS addresses issues of vulnerability that erode or deny the benefits of development to populations at risk.

The Heller Social Policy Impact Report showcases a selection of high-impact research, publications, grants, awards, and public engagement from the faculty, researchers, and students of the Heller School from the past year.

Read the Impact Report