HS 334F — Disability Policy: Intersections with Health, Poverty, Education and Family Policy
This seminar is centered on disability studies and policy and the intersections of disability with health and behavioral health, poverty, employment, education, and caregiving (both formal and family). Students will examine disability from historical perspectives as well as from lived experiences. Several theoretical and conceptual frameworks will be discussed to illuminate whether and how different policy mechanisms can address inherent tensions related to service eligibility, access, and design, person-centered approaches, and self advocacy. Theories and frameworks to be discussed include social determinants of health, life course models, critical race theory and dis/ability critical race theory (DisCrit). Policies will be examined to understand who benefits and who does not and how race/ethnicity, class, and disability/ability perspectives influence access and well-being. Class discussions will also examine how a focus on disability studies and policy may illuminate research, programming and policy related to other marginalized populations.
Marji Warfield