Relational Coordination Collaborative

Roundtable 2024

Berkeley California

Roundtable 2024

Keynote SpeakersWhen we see the whole together, we can more easily find solutions to complex challenges such as equitable healthcare, community well-being, climate change and world peace.  However this is easier said than done, especially for leaders navigating in systems under stress.  Each stakeholder necessarily sees each situation from their own unique perspective. But through dialogue and deep listening we can understand each other’s perspectives and see the whole together.  Relational theories, methods and practices can be helpful for this purpose. 

At this Roundtable, hosted at UC Berkeley by Professors Amanda Brewster, Hector Rodriguez and Steve Shortell, we will explore how relational coordination and social networks can help stakeholders see the whole together, design solutions for complex challenges, and engage in coordinated collective action for multilevel systems change.

We start Thursday November 7 mid-afternoon with Welcoming Activities led by Host Committee members, then gather  for an Informal Welcoming Reception in a Berkeley pub.  Pre-conference workshops are offered earlier in the day.  Friday and Saturday feature the dynamic sharing of research and practice, with many opportunities to network, gain new knowledge and receive feedback on your work. 

Dr. John Paul Stephens will give the Friday keynote on "Seeing the Whole Together for Multi-Level Systems Change."  Dr. Brian Park will give the Saturday keynote on "Creating a Relational and Inclusive Health System for Patients and Communities."  Join us for an unforgettable experience!


call for abstracts

Register here



Key Dates in the Process

  • June 28 - Abstract Submission Deadline
  • July 1 - Abstracts Sent for Review
  • July 12 - Abstract Review Deadline
  • July 19 - Notification of Acceptance
  • August 2 - Registration Deadline for Presenters
  • August 9 - Program Goes Live!
  • November 7-9 - RCC Roundtable 2024 at University of California Berkeley

What is the Roundtable?

The Roundtable is the keystone event of the Relational Coordination Collaborative. It is a highly interactive annual event that brings colleagues and friends together to share their work and learn from each other, through interactive presentations, keynote speakers, professional development workshops, and informal engagement that help participants develop their knowledge and networks, and move their knowledge into action. The Roundtable is hosted each Fall in different locations for colleagues to submit their work to a peer-reviewed process, then share their work. It is an event to build new relationships and renew existing ones. 

Relational Coordination Is...

Relational coordination is a mutually reinforcing process of communicating and relating for the purpose of task integration.  Relational coordination is shaped by organizational structures and, when strong, it supports organizations in achieving a wide range of desired performance outcomes including quality, safety, efficiency, financial outcomes, well-being, learning and innovation.  Relational coordination is particularly important for achieving these outcomes when work is highly interdependent, uncertain and time constrained, whether in times of crisis or everyday stress. 

Relational coordination is measured as a network of ties across roles in any work process that requires coordination.  Its outcomes and predictors have been tested in 73 industry sectors and 36 countriesSee Revisiting Relational Coordination: A Systematic Review.

What is the RCC?

RCC's mission is to transform relationships for high performance by helping organizations to build shared goals, shared knowledge and mutual respect across boundaries.  We were founded at Brandeis University in 2011 by Professor Jody Hoffer Gittell to bring research and practice together, in partnership with students and colleagues at Brandeis and around the world.  We connect researchers and practitioners in an innovative, collaborative setting to develop and test new models of change.  Together we help organizations transform the relational dynamics underlying their work processes and redesign their structures to support and sustain the new dynamics.

Cross Organizational Network Map