Relational Coordination Collaborative

Give & Get Help

Give & Get Help is an open space for RCC members to connect. We invite all RCC members to consider hosting a session and to attend sessions hosted by others on topics of  interest.  Contact the RCC Team ( if you want to host a session.

Give & Get Help is intended for both practitioners and researchers.   In 60-minute Zoom sessions, attendees interact with multiple practitioners and researchers from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of experience, typically on a topic that is selected in advance. Prior to the 60-minute session’s close, key highlights and learnings are captured. Remaining topics of interest can be added to the following session’s list. 

Upcoming Events


If you're already a member, you can propose a Give & Get Help session or sign up for one below.  If you're not a member, take a minute and become a member now.  We'd love to have you!