Relational Coordination Collaborative

April RC Cafe - April 10, 3-4:00 ET - Exploring the Relational Model of Change Through Research and Practice

Cafe Presenters Facilitators

Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University, RC Analytics

Wale Olaleye, Brandeis University, RC Analytics


Brenda Bond, Suffolk University

Lauren Hajjar, Suffolk University

Darren McLean, Gold Coast Health System

John Paul Stephens, Case Western Reserve University

Jim Best, Independent Consultant

Erika Gebo, Suffolk University

Caroline Logan, Abt Associates


Relational coordination theory has inspired numerous change methodologies that have been explored by researchers and practitioners.  In this Café, we will focus on the Relational Model of Change, a model that uses relational, structural and work process interventions to strengthen relational coordination and drive desired performance outcomes. 

Join us to hear researchers and practitioners share what they are learning and which questions they are still trying to answer.  Bring your own findings and questions to add to the learning!   Members, feel free to invite a guest.

Relational Model of Change

Relational Model of Change

Research on the Relational Model of Change (by publication date)

 Visit RC CHANGE Methodologies