Relational coordination theory has inspired numerous change methodologies, supported by ongoing research. Two of these methodologies are described below, along with supporting tools and supporting research. The Relational Model of Change and the Relational Facilitation Guidebook can be used for research, consulting, coaching and teaching.
The Relational Model of Change
The Relational Coordination Playbook is a set of resources based on the Relational Model of Change by Jody Hoffer Gittell, Amy Edmondson and Ed Schein, and the Six Stages of Change inspired by Tony Suchman. The Relational Coordination Playbook is provided here in the form of a slide deck for easy use, to be updated from time to time with links to additional resources as they become available.
Research to Test the Relational Model of Change (by date)
Note: Please write to with additional publications to post here.
- Bond, B. & Gebo, E. (2025). Exploring the relational model of change as a facilitator of interorganizational change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
- Gomes, P. J., & Mirzaei, T. (2025). Evolving dynamics of relational coordination: A study of progression of care huddles in hospital observation services. Medical Care Research and Review, 82(1), 88-99.
- Hajjar, L., Olaleye, O., Yang, J., McGirr, S., & Sullivan, E. E. (2025). Relational coordination and team‐based care: Change initiative overload and other challenges in a learning health system. Learning Health Systems, e10455.
- McLean, D., Connor, M., Marshall, A. P., McMurray, A., & Jones, L. (2025). Illuminating power dynamics that influenced a relational coordination program in a tertiary hospital: An institutional ethnography study. Health Care Management Review, 50(1), 23-31.
- McLean, D. (2025). How Ruling Relations Shaped the Implementation of a Relational Coordination Program in a Large Australian Public Hospital. Griffith University, School of Nursing and Midwifery.
- Grøn, A.B., Hvilsted, L., Ingerslev, K., Jacobsen, C., Bech, M. & Holm-Petersen, C. (2024). Can leadership improve interorganizational collaboration? Field-experimental evidence from a team-based leadership training intervention. The American Review of Public Administration.
- Hajjar, L., Gittell, J. H., Stephens, J. P., Meier, N., & Cutcher Gershenfeld, J. (2024). Seeing the whole together through relational mapping: A method for engaging in complex systems change. The American Review of Public Administration.
- Spitzer, E. G., Kaitz, J., Fix, G. M., Harvey, K. L., Stadnick, N. A., Sullivan, J. L., ... & Miller, C. J. (2023). Developing relational coordination: A qualitative study of outpatient mental health teams. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 50(4), 591-602.
- van Staalduinen, D. J., van den Bekerom, P. E., Groeneveld, S. M., Stiggelbout, A. M., & van den Akker-van, M. E. (2023). Relational coordination in value-based health care. Health Care Management Review, 48(4), 334-341.
- Brazil, V., McLean, D., Lowe, B., Kordich, L., Cullen, D., De Araujo, V., ... & Purdy, E. (2022). A relational approach to improving interprofessional teamwork in post-partum haemorrhage. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1108.
- Gebo, E., & Bond, B. J. (2022). Improving interorganizational collaborations: An application in a violence reduction context. The Social Science Journal, 59(2), 318-329.
- Olaleye, O. E. (2022). Team-Based Care, Relational Coordination and Worker Outcomes: The Role of Frontline Workers. Brandeis University, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management.
- Bolton, R., Logan, C., & Gittell, J. H. (2021). Revisiting relational coordination: A systematic review. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 57(3), 290-322.
- Thygeson, N. M., Logan, C., Lindberg, C., Potts, J., Suchman, A., Merchant, R., & Thompson, R. (2021). Relational interventions for organizational learning: An experience report []. Learning Health Systems, 5(3).
- Purdy, E., Alexander, C., Shaw, R., & Brazil, V. (2020). The team briefing: Setting up relational coordination for your resuscitation. Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 7(1), 1.
- Purdy, E. I., McLean, D., Alexander, C., Scott, M., Donohue, A., Campbell, D., ... & Brazil, V. (2020). Doing our work better, together: A relationship-based approach to defining the quality improvement agenda in trauma care. BMJ Open Quality, 9(1), e000749.
- Brazil, V., Purdy, E., Alexander, C., & Matulich, J. (2019). Improving the relational aspects of trauma care through translational simulation. Advances in Simulation, 4, 1-10.
- Best, J. (2017). Factors and Processes Underlying Increases of Relational Coordination in Task-Coordinating Groups . Saybrook University, Organizational Systems.
- Gittell, J. H. (2016). The relational model of organizational change. Transforming Relationships for High Performance: The Power of Relational Coordination. Stanford University Press.
- Gittell, J. H. (2016). Relational coordination at Group Health. Transforming Relationships for High Performance: The Power of Relational Coordination. Stanford University Press.
- Gittell, J. H. (2016). Relational coproduction in Varde Municipality. Transforming Relationships for High Performance: The Power of Relational Coordination. Stanford University Press.
- Gittell, J. H. (2016). Relational leadership at Dartmouth Hitchcock. Transforming Relationships for High Performance: The Power of Relational Coordination. Stanford University Press.
- Gittell, J. H. (2016). Bringing it all together at Billings Clinic. Transforming Relationships for High Performance: The Power of Relational Coordination. Stanford University Press.
- Logan, C. (2016). Understanding Organizational Change in Response to New Payment Models in Healthcare. Brandeis University, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management.
- Resnick, J., Lax, S., Temkin, E., & Gittell, J. (2016). Building relational coordination across front-line work groups: A case from Kaiser Permanente Northwest. Avgar, AC, Vogus, TJ, The Evolving Health Care Landscape: How Employees, Organizations, and Institutions Are Adapting and Innovating.
- Gittell, J. H., Godfrey, M., & Thistlethwaite, J. (2013). Interprofessional collaborative practice and relational coordination: Improving healthcare through relationships. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(3), 210-213.
Relational Facilitation Guidebook
This guidebook offers an introduction to relational facilitation, a four-step implementation strategy that combines the theory of relational coordination with the implementation strategy of facilitation to assess and improve relationships and communication within and between teams to support program outcomes. This guidebook is for anyone who wants to improve work processes. Relational facilitation has been shown to support strategic priorities by increasing patient satisfaction with care, employee productivity, and reducing staff burnout. This guidebook has been developed by Brigid Connelly, Heather Gilmartin, Anne Hale, Rachael Kenney, Brianne Morgan and Heidi Sjoberg at the Denver/Seattle Center of Innovation for the Veterans Health Administration. See below for ongoing research and validation of this methodology.
Research to Test Relational Facilitation Methods
- Sjoberg H, Kenney RR, Morgan B, Connelly B, Jones CD, Ali HN, Battaglia C & Gilmartin HM. (2022). Adaptations to relational facilitation for two national care coordination programs during COVID-19. Frontiers in Health Services, 2:952272.
- Glasgow RE, McCreight MS, Morgan B, Sjoberg H, Hale A, Motta LU, McKown L, Kenney R, Gilmartin H, Jones CD, Frank J, Rabin BA & Battaglia C. (2025). Use of implementation logic models in the Quadruple Aim QUERI: Conceptualization and evolution. Implementation Science Communications, Jan 16(1):10.