Relational Coordination Collaborative

RC Toolbox

Relational coordination theory suggests that each of us is a powerful actor and that together, we can make change.  As the Hopi Elders said, "We are the ones we've been waiting for."  Deming pointed out however that, "It's not enough to do your best.  You must know what to do, and then do your best."  The resources in this RC Toolbox - including the RC Survey, workshops, consulting/coaching, certification, other assessment tools, analytic support and more - have been developed by the relational coordination community of practice.  They will help you to build relational coordination into your leadership and professional practice, as well as your research and teaching.

Resources in the Toolbox are shown in the sidebar.  They will be updated to reflect the expertise of the Relational Coordination Collaborative.  If you do work that is relevant to the RCC, you can share about it using the form on each page, or write to the RCC Team at

For additional resources, feel free to visit the RCC Innovation Labs!


RC Community Learning From Each Other