Relational Coordination Collaborative


RC Certification

RC Certification recognizes individuals who have completed personal or professional education, training and development in the practice of relational coordination.  RC Certification is informed by relational coordination principles, research, practice, and metrics - and by the RC community's accumulated learning about the facilitation of relational coordination to help organizations to achieve positive change.

The Microsystem Academy facilitates the RC Certification process by collecting applications to be reviewed by members of the RCC board and community.

Benefits of RC Certification

  • Documentation and recognition of achieving the status of RC Certified Professional.
  • Listing in the RCC Resource Directory as an RC Certified Professional, a credential demonstrating advanced achievement.
  • Eligibility to offer RC Certified programs.
  • Permission to use the RC Certified logo indicating certified status.

The Application

The RC Certification Application documents a change project using relational coordination principles, tools and metrics, including:

  • Understanding the context.
  • Identifying performance outcomes of interest.
  • Identifying the work process that drives those performance outcomes, and the work groups involved in this work process.
  • Engages work groups in assessment of their relational coordination.
  • Includes sharing survey results for reflection and learning
  • Includes a planned intervention informed by survey results to improve relational coordination and outcomes of interest.
  • Assesses intervention's impact on relational coordination and outcomes of interest. 

learn more and apply for RC certification here