Relational Coordination Collaborative

Tony Suchman, Wale Olaleye and Jody Hoffer Gittell

Thursday, February 9, 2023, 3-4:00 pm ET
  • Tony Suchman, MD, MA, Relationship Centered Health Care
  • Wale Olaleye, MBA, PhD, Deloitte Human Capital
  • Jody Hoffer Gittell, PhD, Brandeis University

In this RC Café, we’ll be exploring ways to help people work together more effectively to improve performance. What’s at the learning edge of RC-informed approaches? The state of practice has advanced so far over the last 15 years. It will be both useful and fun to celebrate this progress and push it farther. And we’ll be trying out a new community dialogue format. At the beginning we’ll offer the floor to anyone who has a thought to contribute and then head into open dialogue.

RC practitioners will have a chance to compare notes and add to their toolkits. Researchers will have a chance to learn about or enhance the impact of previous projects and to identify new emerging topics for future studies of RC change. Students can have it all!  We hope you’ll join us. 

We're a community of researchers and practitioners, constantly striving to learn from each other.  If you're already a member, register below and feel free to bring one or more guests.  If you're not a member, reach out to one of our members or the RCC team ( for a guest invite - or take a minute and become a member now.