Relational Coordination Collaborative Logo

Roundtable 2024Relational coordination is communicating and relating for the purpose of task integration - a powerful driver of performance when work is interdependent, uncertain and time constrained.  Relational coordination has been tested in over 73 industry sectors and 36 countries - see here for a systematic review of findings

RCC's mission is to transform relationships for high performance by helping organizations to build shared goals, shared knowledge and mutual respect across boundaries.  We were founded at Brandeis University in 2011 by Professor Jody Hoffer Gittell to bring research and practice together, in partnership with students and colleagues at Brandeis and around the world.  We connect researchers and practitioners in an innovative, collaborative setting to develop and test new models of change.  Together we help organizations transform the relational dynamics underlying their work processes and redesign their structures to support and sustain the new dynamics. 

Learn about becoming a member



At this Roundtable, hosted November 7-9 at UC Berkeley, we will explore how relational coordination and social networks can help stakeholders see the whole together, design solutions for complex challenges, and engage in coordinated collective action for multilevel systems change.  Dr. John Paul Stephens and Dr. Brian Park will give the keynotes.  Join us for an unforgettable experience!



Relating Across Professional and Social Identity Differences - What Are We Learning?

When managed effectively, diversity can bring together multiple perspectives, improving decision-making and organizational performance. In this Cafe, we explored what we are learning in the field as we develop and implement relational approaches to diversity management, with special attention to the Relating Across Difference initiative.



The RC SurveyTM is a validated tool for researchers and practitioners.  For researchers, the RC SurveyTM helps to explore how relational coordination impacts outcomes and how structures can strengthen or weaken it.  For practitioners, the RC SurveyTM is a tool for bottom up change - it helps participants to assess the current state and design interventions to improve performance. 


How RC Transforms Organizations

In Healthcare

"Our RC work seems to have improved and sustained employee engagement...RC gets at the patient in a very employee-centered way. In the short time we've been using it, people feel inherently more valued and more important. It shows the providers how much everyone does."

-VP of Nursing, Primary Healthcare Organization

In Communities

"We haven't had a tool before for measuring this. One thing is talking about networks; now we can see it."

- Director of Social Health and Employment, Varde Municipality, Denmark

In Education

"Before it was very much about your measures and your data, and no one able to see them but the individual teacher.  Now it's - we're all responsible for all these students and we all own the data.  It's not about pitting people against each other."

- Assistant Superintendent, North Reading School District