The 2023 Segal Fellow Retreat theme was "(Re)Connect, Recharge, & Move Forward Together!"

Thank you to all our Segal Fellows that joined us for our 2023 Segal Fellow Retreat, in-person and online, November 10th-12th!
We are grateful to the Fellows on the Retreat Committee! Check out the retreat report, workshop/presenter details, as well as materials and resources shared internally.
Over 100 Segal Fellows, Founders, and Partners joined us for our 2023 retreat and 15th anniversary
Fellow/Founder Panel with Interim Heller Dean Maria Madison, Segal Founder AnnMaura Connolly, and Segal Fellows John Valinch and Kareen Sanchez.
Segal Fellows Edith Suarez & Gabyliz Machado led a gentle movement and reflection session.
Segal Fellows and Founders who are City Year Alum/Staff
Our Own Journeys as Civic & Community Leaders (Facilitated by Emerald Anderson-Ford)
Black and African American Affinity Space (BAAAS) Mixer
Laura Gassner Otting, Author/Speaker/Segal Founder with Segal Fellows after facilitating “Navigating Life’s Big Changes," session.
2011 City Year Bridge Builder Segal Fellow Damond Ford (middle), recipient of the Segal Fellow in Action award, with Segal Founder Phyllis Segal (left), and Segal Director Susie Flug-Silva (right).
Segal Fellow Buddies Leah Sakala (left) and Katherine Nace (right)
(from left to right) Segal Fellow Bria Price, Interim Dean Maria Madison, IERE Director Lisa Lynch, and Segal Fellow Tanika Lynch.
Segal Fellows participating in the Ubuntu Walk
Segal Fellows in discussion during the early-career breakout session.
Segal Fellows in Conversation.
Segal Fellows in group conversation about resources and ways to stay connected after the retreat.
IERE Director Lisa Lynch and Segal Fellows in conversation after 15th Anniversary Dinner.
Segal Fellows during our community building activity solving their groups human knot.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in 2019!
Over 60 Segal Fellows, Founders, and partners gathered together for the 2019 Segal Fellow Retreat, which included workshops on a variety of topics, team-building activities, action break out groups, and other opportunities to share and connect.
Over 60 Fellows, Founders, and partners joined in the Retreat
Segal Fellows in group discussions about resources and giving back
Segal Program Founder Phyllis Segal
Dr. Maria Madison discussing bringing one's full self to your citizen leadership
Panel of presenters speaking during an Innovation & Inspiration Share
2013 Segal Fellow and Inaugural Fellow in Action Award recipient Stephen Larbi with 2017 Segal Fellow and award presenter LaShawn Simmons
Fellows broke out into small group discussions throughout the weekend
Segal Fellow Qiong Lin (2010 Brandeis) came from NY, but other Fellows came from as far as California and Denmark
Advisory Board Chair and Segal Founder Mora Segal joined with Fellows in group discussions
Segal Fellows live across the country, with many clustered in the Northeast, as shown in this map activity
Fellows sharing during final group discussion
Inaugural Segal Fellow in Action Award. (left to right) 2017 Segal Fellow LaShawn Simmons, Segal Program Founder Phyllis Segal, 2013 Segal Fellow Stephen Larbi, Advisory Board Chair and Segal Founder Mora Segal, Segal Program Director Susie Flug-Silva
A big thanks to the 2019 Retreat Planning Committee & those that attended. Check out the 2019 Segal Fellow Retreat report for their acknowledgement.