Eli J. & Phyllis N. Segal Citizen Leadership Program

Upcoming Events

The Segal Program is proud to offer regular events and trainings for our Fellows and the larger Segal Network. Each event is a way for Fellows to discuss and prepare to take action around important issues, as well as a chance to connect with each other and our Founders and partners, as they move forward on their citizen leadership journey. Check out our recent events, as well.

Events for Interested Applicants for the 2025 Brandeis/Heller Fellowship

  • Visit our Application Page to learn more about office hours, info sessions and other events.

Post-Election Session-Community Building & Care (Segal Fellows Only) 

Tuesday, November 12, 7-8:30pm Eastern

Title, date and summary of Nov 12 2024 Segal Post Election Discussion with photo of "vote 2024" buttons above colorful graphic of a group of people linking armsPlease join us for a time of community building and care in our post national election session with Emerald Anderson-Ford, our equity partner and consultant. In this session we will focus on building a space for us to process all the emotions and concerns surrounding the upcoming national elections, while thinking tactically about how to continue to care for ourselves and community through the uncertainty of our nation's future.

This session is a part of our ongoing Racial Justice and Anti-Racism Learning Community (RJARLC) for Segal Fellows.

Register Here

Monthly RJAR LC Affinity/Caucus Group Gatherings

  • Black & African American Affinity Space: (meetings every third Tuesday of the month; contact Conveners Robyn Pratt or Le’Otis Boswell-Johnson, or Susie for more details)
  • "Robyn Pratt, a 2020 Segal Fellow, and Le’Otis Boswell Johnson, a 2018 Segal Fellow, co-lead the Segal Black and African American Affinity! As a member of the Black community, we welcome you to our Segal Fellowship Black and African American Affinity Space with open arms and hearts. This group was formed to build community, support each other, and discuss how our culture, background, and experiences can and should show up in our roles as well as inform and influence our work, in and out of the Segal Fellowship. We understand that some folks may be a part of the mixed race affinity space and we want to honor your black/aa identity, uplift your experience and background and invite you to join both this space and the mixed race space. You are welcome here.”
  • White Caucus Group: (monthly meeting times vary; contact Conveners Lila Givens or Chris Capron, or Susie for more details)
  • If you’re interested in helping convene another affinity group, please contact Susie. Affinity groups for our Latinx, APIDA, and Multiracial Fellows are still under development

Segal Program Racial Justice & Antiracism Learning Community

Please visit the Racial Justice & Antiracism Learning Community Page for more information.

We're excited to already have 30 Fellows signed up for our Segal Program Racial Justice & Antiracism Learning Community (RJAR LC). You can still join us and sign up

Segal Fellows and staff discussing systemic racism and police brutality

Regular Virtual Segal Gatherings

The Segal Program hosts events monthly, alternating between bi-monthly Segal Convenings with guest speakers from inside and outside of the Segal Network and bi-monthly Fellow-Led Features, where Fellows talk with other Fellows about an item (book, movie, article, blog, podcast, etc.) that they've created or that has inspired their thinking.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Fellows have met even more frequently to connect, reengage with the Program, and create support systems during difficult times. We will post upcoming informal Fellow chat times here, when there are multiple weeks without another convening scheduled. 

Meeting of the Summit Planning Committee

During our formal and informal chats, conversations have created space for dialogue around issues of racism at all levels (individual through systemic), police brutality, and the importance of antiracist work, as well as how recent and ongoing issues and events, including the rise in Anti-Asian Racism, Anti-Black Violence, and police violence, are impacting our Fellows are the larger world.

To learn more about the ways the Segal Program has continued these efforts and conversations please see our anti-racism update page.