Eli J. & Phyllis N. Segal Citizen Leadership Program

Core Skills & Shared Values

Our mission is to inspire and activate generations of civic and community leaders across sectors, issue areas, and lived experiences. Our lifelong Fellows are citizens of the world who uplift equitable systems and create a more just world through connection and action, continuing the work of Eli and Phyllis Segal.

Core Skills & Shared Values:

As active members of their communities seeking to create justice and sustainable change, Segal Leaders aim to:
  1. Collaborate across lines of difference to build common ground, recognizing the impact of history and current events.
  2. Listen to and honor diversity of individuals, their thoughts, and experiences, making space for people to show up as their full, authentic selves.
  3. Take action to eliminate systemic inequities, understanding and challenging the role of power and privilege, and prioritizing inclusion across all isms, while centering racial justice and antiracism.
  4. Engage civically, seeking to protect and amplify rights and voices.
  5. Pursue visionary and sustainable goals, with an eye toward continuous improvement and prioritizing self and community care.
  6. Inspire leadership in themselves and others through mentorship and meaningful engagement in their communities and in the Segal Network.


(Thank you to all of the Segal Fellows, Founders, and partners who helped us update our mission statement and core skills & shared values in 2024!)