Khadijah Sawyer
2017 Brandeis Undergraduate Segal Fellow
Khadijah Sawyer is an Interaction Designer for Google. She graduated from Brandeis University, where she studied Computer Science and African and Afro-American Studies. She is interested in the intersections of social theory and technology. Her research both pressures the promises of tech and explores the radical potential of this digital era to mobilize social change.
In 2016, she was awarded funding to integrate underrepresented people of color into nationwide conferences such as the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and was recognized for designing an application prototype that helped foster environmental consciousness. As a Segal Fellow, Khadijah hopes to continue to mobilize digital activism and Afro-futurism as a lens to think about coalition building and citizen leadership. For her Segal Fellow internship, Khadijah joined the Roxbury Innovation Center team to explore and support their community partnerships and summer programming within the Boston neighborhood.