Amber Kornreich
2011 Brandeis Undergrad Segal Fellow
Amber Kornreich is a 2011 Segal Fellow from Miami, Florida. Amber's Segal Fellowship was with the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C. While at Brandeis, she co-founded Brandeis Buddies, a community service initiative that paired student volunteers with adults with developmental disabilities who worked in the Brandeis dining and residence halls. She was fortunate to be mentored as a fellow by a number of Segal Network legends including Laura Gassner Otting and Toni Schwarzenbach Burke, to whom she owes much of her success. Amber continues to be active with community work as a Marital and Family Lawyer in Miami. She volunteers with homeless youth, young people in foster care, victims of domestic violence, and raising awareness about Cystic Fibrosis. She serves as President of The First Family Law American Inn of Court, an invitation-only organization of Family Lawyers and Judges dedicated to scholarship and professionalism in the field of Family Law. Amber is available any time to fellows who are interested in pursuing legal careers or who share a passion for community outreach.