Ryan Banning
2012 AmeriCorps Alums Segal Fellow
Ryan Banning is a 2012 AmeriCorps Alums Segal Fellow from Saint Paul, MN. Ryan currently resides in Portland, OR, where he is the Community Partnerships & Events Director for the Columbia Slough Watershed Council. Ryan spent a significant period of time working for youth focused organizations including CASPER - an after school program that works with youth who are experiencing homelessness, Project SUCCESS, and City Kids Wilderness Project. Ryan is also the Founder of the KGSA Foundation, a nonprofit organization that reduces poverty and gender inequalities in the Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya. KGSA Foundation works closely with local leaders in Kibera to provide free secondary education, artistic programming, and athletic opportunities to over 130 young women each year. Ryan has a Masters degree in Development Management from American University in Washington, D.C.