Advice for Professionals from Parents with Disabilities

Supporting Parents with Disabilities: A User-friendly Guide for Social Service Providers
Dr. Elizabeth Lightfoot has published a guidebook on working with parents with disabilities for social service providers. It is available in both English and Spanish.
Lightfoot, E., Hollie, K., Dangle, P., & Goto, K. (2024). Supporting Parents with Disabilities: A User-friendly Guide for Social Service Providers. School of Social Work, Arizona State University.
Advice and Information for Professionals Working with Parents on the Autism Spectrum
Geared toward professionals working with parents on the autism spectrum, this guide outlines ways that medical practitioners, social workers, child welfare workers, and others who work with members of this population can accommodate their clients' needs.
Advice for Professionals Working with Parents with Intellectual Disabilities
Professionals working with parents with intellectual disabilities can use this brief to learn strategies to communicate effectively, provide culturally competent support, and accommodate their clients' needs.
Advice for Professionals from Mothers with Disabilities
In this Twitter chat, mothers with disabilities share their advice for professionals who work with parents with disabilities.

Recommendations for Clinicians Working with Pregnant Women with Physical Disabilities
This brief provides a number of tips that medical practitioners can use when working with mothers with physical disabilities.