National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities

Submit a Blog Post

Are you a parent with a disability? Share your experience in a blog post or video. 

Share your story in our blog about the experiences and needs of parents with disabilities.

We believe in placing parents with disabilities at the forefront, and one way to do that is invite them to share their own experiences. We built this blog to amplify stories of a racially, culturally, and experientially diverse group of people.

What are you focused on as a parent with a disability? 

Submit Your Blog Post

Submit Your Blog Post

Blog posts should be about 1,000 words. Videos should be about 1 minute long.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Email your submission to with the subject "Blog Submission." 

Contributors will be paid $100 if their work is published.

Submissions should be the submitter's original work and not be generated by AI or other similar tool.

Guidelines and FAQs

What can my post be about?

Featured Topic: From time to time, we suggest a featured topic.

You don’t have to talk about the featured topic. You are welcome to choose a different topic if you wish!

Note: Because our program receives federal funding, we’re not allowed to talk about politics. Avoid writing posts that directly support or oppose political candidates, ballot questions or propositions, or government officials. Other than that, though, we’re fairly open.

Who can submit a blog post?

Parents with disabilities who would like to share a story about their experiences as a parent.

What should I submit?

A blog post (about 1,000 words) or a video blog (about 1 minute long).

Your submission should be related to your personal experiences as a parent with a disability. It should be something you are comfortable sharing publicly, as one of the submissions will be selected to be posted on our Community Blog.

Submissions should be the submitter's original work and not be generated by AI or other similar tool.

How do I submit a blog post?

Email us:

Subject: "Blog Submission"

All submissions will be reviewed and one will be selected to be posted on our Community Blog.

Is there a due date?

There is no due date. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Send us your blog or video as soon as you are finished making it. We will let you know if your post will be published.

Need inspiration? Check out blogs we’ve published.

NRCPD Community Blog

Blog Collection: National Disability Employment Awareness Month