- The 87th Annual Scientific Meeting of The College on Problems of Drug Dependence Inc. (CPDD). New Orleans, LA. June 14-18, 2025
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc, Symposium Chair and Speaker:Understanding Xylazine: Findings from Laboratory, Epidemiologic, and Intervention Development Research.
Presentation: Findings from an Epidemiologic Investigation amongPeople who Use Drugs in Massachusetts withConfirmed Xylazine Exposure: Gender Differences,Risk and Protective Factors.
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc, Ju Nyeong Park, Ph.D., M.H.S., Megan Reed, PhD, MPH., Saman Majeed, PhD., Marya Lieberman, PhD.
- RX and Illicit Drug Summit. Nashville, TN. April 21-24, 2025.
Presentation: Comprehensive Overdose Prevention for Youth and Young Adults in the Age of Fentanyl: Evolving State, Research, and Clinical Approaches.
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc, Sarah Bagley, MD, MSc, Chelsea Laliberte Barnes, MSSA, LCSW
- 2025 Addiction Medicine Conference hosted by the Governor's Institute, Asheville, NC. April 11-12, 2025.
Cutting Edge Harm Reduction. Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc.
- Behavioral Health Seminar, Institute for Behavioral Health, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. February 25th, 2025.
Measuring Opioid Use Disorder, Policy Implications, and the Broader Importance of Survey Methodology. Andrew Kolodny, MD, Robert Bohler, PhD, MPH
- The PAARI Leadership Awards: Tampa River Center in Tampa, Florida on February 25, 2025.
On behalf of the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) board and staff, Dr. Mary Jo Larson, Senior Scientist, and Dr. Traci Green, Director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative (OPRC) and their Responding to Xylazine (R2X) Team at Brandeis University have been chosen as a recipient of the PAARI Leadership Awards.
“Harm Reduction in the Commonwealth: Analysis of Opportunities to Save Lives,” Omni Parker House, Boston, MA. December 3, 2024.
A presentation of the latest information on harm reduction strategies will be followed by a panel moderated by WBUR’s Martha Bebinger. The panel will include representation of people with lived experience, the legislature, public health, and the provider community. This work is supported through generous funding from RIZE Massachusetts Foundation. The Massachusetts Health Policy Forum is also supported by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, and Baystate Health.
AMERSA’s 48th Annual National Conference Chicago, IL. November 14-16, 2024.
Plenary Speaker, Traci Green, PhD, MSc. Empowering Change: From Evidence to Action in Addiction Care and Research.
APHA 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo, Minneapolis, MN. October 27-30, 2024
Presentations: Trends in substance use and routes of administration among people who use stimulants who survived a fentanyl overdose: Key findings from the 4th wave of the opioid overdose epidemic. Hughto JMW, Kelly PJA, Vento S, Pletta D, Noh M, Rich J, Silcox J, Silva V, Green TC.
Presentations: Self-reported pathways through which illicitly manufactured fentanyl enters the stimulant supply: Insights from people who use and distribute drugs. Kelly P, Green T, Rich J, Vento S, Noh M, Pletta D, Silcox J, Davis M, Toffey A, Silva V, Tobin S, Hughto J.
- Invited Speaker, Traci Green, PhD, MSc. The Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) Emerging Threats Symposium. September 10th, 2024.
Presentation: Xylazine + Stimulant Use Disorder. Justin Alves and Traci Green, PhD, MSc.
- ADLM 2024 (Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine), McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, IL. July 28-August 1, 2024.
Presentation: Responding to the Threat of Xylazine and Drug Supply Adulteration: Clinical Testing Strategies and Empowering Point-of-Service Community Drug Checking. Adina Badea, PhD, DABCC, Rachel S. Wightman, MD FACMT, Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc.
- CPDD Montreal, Canada, June 15-19, 2024
Oral Session: More Than a Soda Fountain: Pharmacy in Harm Reduction
Chair: Suzanne Nielsen, Co-Chair: Traci Green
Speaker: Traci Green, Xylazine: State of the Science Detection and Evolution of Xylazine in the Drug supply: Findings from Community Drug Checking Services Symposium
Presentation: Secret Shopping to Assess Real-World Access to Over-The-Counter Naloxone in Community Pharmacies.
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc., Joseph Silcox, MA, Jessie Boggis, MPH, Anthony Floyd, PhD, Adriane Irwin, MS, PharmD, Ryan N. Hansen, PharmD, Sofia Zaragoza, BA, Jeffrey Bratberg, PharmD, FAPhA.
Presentation: Developing a Comprehensive Inventory to Define Harm Reduction Housing
Sofia Zaragoza, BA, Joseph Silcox, MA, Sabrina Rapisarda, MA, Patricia Case, MPH ScD, Clara To, Charlie Summers, MA, Sarah Kolawaski, Avik Chatterjee, MD, MPH, Traci C. Green PhD, MSc.
- Anonymous Sister Film Documentary: Representative Paul D. Tonko (D-NY-20th District), Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), and the Congressional Addiction Treatment and Recovery Caucus brings attention to a special presentation of the critically-acclaimed documentary film Anonymous Sister. A young woman's firsthand account of what will become the deadliest man-made epidemic in United States history. Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, moderates a conversation with Jamie Boyle (Director, Anonymous Sister) and Dr. Andrew Kolodny on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. April 29, 2024
Department of Public Health, Substance Use Prevention & Harm Reduction (SUPHR) Philadelphia, PA. April 11-12, 2024
Presentation: Aim 2 Co-Design
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc, Jamie Davis, BA.
RX Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, Atlanta, GA, April 1-4, 2024
Presentation: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice: Building Support for Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Jails and Prisons
Regina LaBelle, JD, Suzula Bidon, JD, MS, Peter J. Koutoujian, JD, MPA, Andrew Kolodny, MD
Presentation: Xylazine: Trends, Detection, and Responses.
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc, Becca Olson, MPH, Mary Jo J. Larson, PhD, MPA
Together for Hope: Boston Addiction Conference 2024. Roxbury Community College in Boston. March 15-16, 2024. The Grayken Center for Addiction at Boston Medical Center hosted its inaugural two-day conference. Featuring Award-Winning Student Media Coverage of Event
Presentation: Exploring Harm Reduction Housing in the Greater Boston Area: A Comprehensive Overview
Joseph Silcox, MA, Sofia Zaragoza, BA, Sabrina Rapisarda, MA. M.Ed, Charlie Summers, BA, Patricia Case, ScD, MPH, Clara To, MSPH, Avik Chatterjee, MD, MPH, Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc
Presentation: Real Time, On-Site Drug Checking in Low-Threshold Housing Communities
Charlie Summers, BA, Joseph Silcox, MA, Sofia Zaragoza, BA, Sabrina Rapisarda, MA, M.Ed, Patricia Case, ScD, MPH, Abigail Edelmann, BS, Avik Chatterjee, MD, MPH, Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc
Presentation: Drug Checking Throughout the US and Latin America
Erin Thompson, MPH, Ju Nyeong Park, PhD, Jessica Tardif, BA, Traci Green, PhD, MSc
6th Annual University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix Research Symposium. January 26, 2024
Session: reimagine Health. Opioids: How the Science of Pain Managment and Addiction Can Impact Abuse
Presentation: Opioid Crisis Abatement: A Public Health Response to an Epidemic of Addiction
Andrew Kolodny, MD
American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA. November 12-15, 2023
Session: Opioids Poster Session 2: Harm Reduction
Program: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Presentation: Rapid Assessment of Consumer Knowledge Amid an Injection Drug Use-Driven HIV Outbreak in Lowell and Lawrence, Massachusetts: A Case Study
Sabrina S. Rapisarda, MA, MEd, Joseph Silcox, MA, Patricia Case, PhD, MPH, Thomas J. Stopka, PhD, MHS, Wilson R. Palacios, PhD, MA, Jaclyn M.W. Hughto, PhD, MPH, Shikar Shrestha, PhD, MPH, Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc
Session: Empirical Research in Public Health Law - Roundtable
Program: Law
Presentation: The Views and Experiences of Involuntary Civil Commitment in a Cross-Site Sample of People Who Use Drugs in Massachusetts
Joseph Silcox, MA, Sabrina Rapisarda, MA, M.Ed, Derek Bolivar, MS, Patricia Case, ScD, MPH, Stephanie Vento, BS, Jaclyn Hughto, PhD, MPH, Wilson Palacios, PhD, MA, Shikhar Shrestha, MS, PhD, Thomas J. Stopka, PhD, MHS, Traci Green, PhD, MSc
Session: Makeshift Medicine: Addressing Social Determinants in Practice
Program: Medical Care Section
Presentation: Self-Treatment of Injection-Related Infections in the Age of Fentanyl and Xylazine: An Application of the Makeshift Medicine Framework
Jaclyn Hughto, PhD, MPH, Patrick Kelly, MPH, Joseph Silcox, MA, Sabrina Rapisarda, MA, MEd, Wilson Palacios, PhD, MA, Thomas J. Stopka, PhD, MHS, Patricia Case, ScD, MPH, Traci Green, PhD, MSc
The International Drug Policy Reform Conference, Phoenix, AZ, October 20, 2023
Presentation: Will Drug Checking Save Us?
Moderator: Jennifer Carroll
Rae Elkasabany, Yarelix Estrada, Traci C. Green, Alejandra Medina, Samuel Tobias, Kenneth Washington
Addiction Health Services Research Conference (AHSR) New York, Oct 18-20, 2023
Presentation: A Qualitative Review of Policy Landscape: Facilitators and Barriers to Pharmacy-based Naloxone, Buprenorphine and Syringe Access Across Four-States
Joseph Silcox, MA, Gail Strickler, PhD, Anthony S. Floyd, PhD, Jeffrey Bratberg, PharmD, Mary Gray, Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc
Presentation: Responding to Xylazine: Preparing Police Responders to Assist People Who Use Drugs with Xylazine
Becca Olson, MPH, Mary Jo Larson, PhD, Zoe Grover, JD, Travis Rapoza, BA, Liz Leingang, Megan Reed, PhD, Tracy Esteves Camacho, MPH
Reagan Udell Foundation: Washington, DC. October 4, 2023
Presentation: Mitigating Risks from Human Xylazine Exposure, Current Landscape and Epidemiological Trends
Traci Green, PhD, MSc
Western Medicaid Pharmacy Administrators Association: Tucson, AZ. September 30-October 4, 2023
Presentation: Innovation and Opportunities for Pharmacy-Based Initiatives in Opioid Risk Prevention, Treatment, and Rescue
Traci Green, PhD, MSc
CDC Foundation, Atlanta, GA. August 18, 2023
Webinar Presentation: Community Drug Checking 101, Massachusetts Drug Supply Data Stream (MADDS). This training from subject matter experts from Brandeis University’s Opioid Policy Research Collaborative was ideal for staff looking for general background and fluency in community drug checking program characteristics and capacities and who have questions about current operations in US-based programs.
Traci Green PhD, MSc.
Becca Olson, MPH
- Louisiana Opioid Action Summit Webinar, Lafayette, LA. July 12, 2023
Presentation: Implementing a Statewide Community Drug Checking Program: Opportunities, Challenges, and Successes
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc.
OD2A Conference: Working Together to Reduce Harms.Atlanta GA. June 7, 2023
Presentation: Rapid Assessment of Consumer Knowledge (RACK) & The Integration of Drug Checking. (On Behalf of the RACK Project andOD2A Massachusetts teams)
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc.
Presentation: Advanced Implementation of the Massachusetts Drug Supply Data Stream (MADDS): A State-Wide Public Health-Public Safety Partnership Drug Checking Program.
Becca Olson, MPH
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc.
- 2023 Overdose Response Strategy Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2-4, 2023
Presentation: MADDS Expansion: I-91 Project. May 2, 2023
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc., Becca Olson, MPH., James G. Downes, III, MS., Stephanie Thompson, MPA.
RX Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, Atlanta GA, April 10-13, 2023
Presentations: Massachusetts Drug Supply Data Stream: Implementing a Statewide Public Health and Public Safety Partnership to Check Drugs. April 12,2023.
A411. Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc., Cole Jarczyk, BA.
Presenters/Description/Objectives: https://cdmcd.co/v9z98Z
Presentations: Stimulants in the Overdose Epidemic: Insights From The Stimulant Guide and Lessons From Massachusetts. April 12, 2023.
A411. Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc., Jennifer Carroll, PhD, MPH., Sasha Mital, PhD, MPH.
Presenters/Description/Objectives: https://cdmcd.co/J6A65E
Webinar: Post Overdose Outreach Presentation & Discussion, March 15, 2023
Presentation: PRONTO Best Practice Guidance for Post-Overdose Outreach
Alex Walley, MD, MSc
Traci Green, PhD, MSc
Mary Wheeler
Brandon Del Pozo, PhD
Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Vienna, Austria. The 66TH Session of The Commission on Narcotic Drugs. March 15, 2023
Presentation: Voice from Civil Society Organizations: What and how quality treatment and recovery support makes difference in support of people with drug use disorders
Speaker at the CND Side Event. “Establishing Quality Assurance Mechanisms Towards Truly Effective and Efficient Treatment and Recovery Support for People with Drug Use Disorders in Community Settings”
Dr. Andrew Kolodny, Medical Director, Opioid Policy Research Collaborative Institute for Behavioral Health, Brandeis University (Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs and New York NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs)
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, ST. Louis University School of Medicine. March 2, 2023 Grand Rounds
Latest Aspects of the Opioid Crisis and Discussion of Evidence-Based Interventions to Bring the Crisis to an End.
Andrew Kolodny, MD.
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) The Opioid Policy Fellows Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. January 6-8, 2023
Presentation: State Strategies for Prevention and intervention.
Traci C. Green, PhD, MSc, Jaime Mells, PhD.