Opioid Policy Research Collaborative

Overdose Prevention Research Summit held on September 30, 2024


The purpose of the Overdose Prevention Research Summit was to establish clear, evidence-based priorities for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) in the areas of overdose prevention and drug user health. The summit aimed to reflect on past and current research efforts, identify gaps in knowledge, and chart a strategic course for future research activities. The research summit brought together researchers and policymakers to create a shared vision for both the short- and long-term actions needed to address the opioid crisis and other related drug user health challenges in Massachusetts. Brandeis University’s Opioid Policy Research Collaborative (OPRC) hosted and guided the direction of the event in collaboration with DPH. 

Empowerment Through Love and Connection

Research Summit Activities

Fireside Chat: Looking Back, Looking Forward

The ‘Fireside Chat’ was a collaborative discussion moderated by Dr. Traci Green (Brandeis University) and Dr. Alex Walley (Boston Medical Center) that looked at the current state of overdose research. The conversation was used to determine next steps and future areas of inquiry. Some key topics that attendees discussed included:  What are key lessons learned about overdose from Massachusetts research? and What are key research priorities to better address overdose? For details on the specific topics, themes and ideas raised during this discussion please see the full Overdose Research Summit Summary Report.

Work Groups

In the afternoon, summit attendees were split into three separate work groups, each with a different research focus and topic of discussion (Administrative and Large Quantitative Data Sets, Qualitative and Ethnographic Research, and Evaluation Research). They explored least and most used data, limitations of existing data, gaps in research, and how to use data to make evidence-based policies. Representatives from each work group shared back a summary of their discussions with the rest of the summit attendees.

Photovoice Exhibit

At the research summit, select images were displayed in a ‘Photovoice Exhibit’. The artwork and photographs displayed were created by a group of community drug checking technicians who participated in a Brandeis-led Photovoice research study. This Photovoice project highlights community drug checking: a harm reduction service that informs people about the substances in their drugs and allows harm reduction agencies to understand drug supply trends.

Next Steps

The Overdose Prevention Research Summit will become an annual event. For more information on next steps please see our Brief Summary and Next Steps Report here.

Interested in attending or being involved in next year’s research summit? Please contact us at  oprc@brandeis.edu.