Researchers at the Institute for Behavioral Health (IBH) have been conducting analyses on various aspects of the opioid crisis since the 1990s—much longer than it’s been in the headlines.
That work is primarily divided into two main areas: prevention and treatment. As IBH Director Constance Horgan says, “We believe that dealing with the opioid crisis requires focusing across the continuum, from prevention all the way through treatment, because the situation is getting worse and we need to be more vigilant in changing the conversation if we want to succeed.”
Research Areas
Community Programs
Community Assessment
- Evaluation of the Advocates Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC): The major goal of this project is to conduct an evaluation of the design, implementation, and outcomes of the Advocates CCBHC Expansion Project
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Gail Strickler - Massachusetts Community Health Centers Supporting Opioid Addiction Recovery (MA-SOAR)
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Brolin - Enhancements to a Community Based Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) Project
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Meelee Kim - Building Communities of Recovery
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Meelee Kim - Waltham Safe Schools Healthy Students Coalitions Drug Free Communities Support Program Evaluation
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Meelee Kim - Youth and Young Adults (YAYA) HIV Substance Abuse Evaluation
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Meelee Kim
Rapid Assessment
- The Rapid Assessment of Consumer Knowledge (RACK): Provides support to conduct ethnographic studies with people of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, and examining the role of harm reduction service use among people who use drugs in Lawrence and Lowell.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green
Engaging Populations and Addressing Disparities
- Engaging Mothers With IDD and Behavioral Health Conditions in Research
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Joanne Nicholoson - Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Unplanned Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic
Brandeis Lead Scientists: Margot Davis and Marji Erickson Warfield - Creating a Community with Mothers with Mental Illness Using Opioids
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Joanne Nicholson - Intersecting Research on Opioid Misuse, Addiction, and Disability Services (INROADS)
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Sharon Reif - RIZE Foundation of Massachusetts: Racial disparities and the role of prescriber networks in the development and sustaining of buprenorphine prescribing by waivered physicians for OUD treatment in Massachusetts communities.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Peter Kreiner - RIZE Massachusetts-Harm Reduction Services. Enabling Health: Evaluating Programs Enhancing Harm Reduction Services in Massachusetts
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green
Harm Reduction
Drug Checking
- Drug Checking Pilot Evaluation: The purpose of this study is to pilot the creation and validation of a data stream for public health surveillance of the drug supply
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green - Fentanyl Test Strip Pilot Study: This study will test the efficacy of a novel drug-checking intervention to prevent fatal and non-fatal overdose among young adults who use drugs.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green - One2One: Engagement to recovery using a police-led novel intervention: This study continues a partnership between Brandeis University investigators and the implementing agency, the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) in Massachusetts and Maine by supportive outreach and distribution of fentanyl test strips (FTS) and other recovery tools in order to increase engagement in substance use services among people who use drugs and their friends and family.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson
Overdose Prevention and Naloxone
- Intervention to Increase Naloxone Engagement & Distribution in Community Pharmacies: A Four State Randomized Trial (Respond to Prevent): The multi-site study will test the efficacy of an intervention for pharmacist-initiated prescription and distribution of naloxone, an overdose antidote, to improve opioid safety and prevent opioid-involved adverse events.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green - Naloxone Needed to Save Bayesian Modeling Study
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green - Overdose Risk Management and Compensation in the Era of Naloxone: This study will conduct longitudinal analyses examining relationships between naloxone exposure (access to and use of naloxone) and overdose risk behaviors, including risk compensatory behavior.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Andrew Kolodny - Using a Novel Comprehensive Linked Dataset to Determine Early Predictors of Opioid Overdose
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Peter Kreiner - Opioid Overdose Epidemic Crisis Response – Biosurveillance Projects
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Meelee Kim
Syringe Access
- Pharmacy Naloxone Distribution: Assessing a New Tool to Reduce Overdose Mortality. The goal of this study is to examine the impact of pharmacy-based naloxone and assess barriers and facilitators to proper naloxone dispensing.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green
Law and Policy Evaluation
- Massachusetts Health Policy Forum on the Opioid Epidemic and the Workforce
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Constance Horgan - Measuring the Impact of New Jersey's New Opioid Laws: Our qualitative and quantitative study evaluates the impact of New Jersey's opioid prescribing rules by comparing opioid prescribing before and after the rules went into effect and by interviewing physicians.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Andrew Kolodny - MassHEAL - Reducing overdose deaths by 40% (2019-2023): The MassHEAL study will implement and evaluate an intervention targeting overdose fatalities in 16 highly- affected Massachusetts communities via a cluster-randomized parallel group design. The primary study outcome is number of overdose fatalities in the last year of a 3-year intervention period.
Brandeis Lead Scientists: Dominic Hodgkin, Constance Horgan, and Traci Green - Developing Evidence Base for Opioid Drug Policies: a Multilevel Analysis of NHBH
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Peter Kreiner - Prescriptive Authority and Nurse Practitioner Opioid Prescribing Practices
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Cindy Parks Thomas
Military Health
Healthcare utilization and readiness outcomes among soldiers with post-deployment at-risk drinking, by comorbidity clusters.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Rachel Sayko Adams - Improving Treatments and Outcomes among Soldiers Identified with Severe Alcohol Use after Return from OEF/OIF/ OND Deployment.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Rachel Sayko Adams -
Integrating Signals of Suicide Risk from DoD & VHA Data to Improve Upon Suicide Risk Prevention Strategies for Combat VeteransBrandeis Lead Scientist: Rachel Sayko Adams
- Trajectories of Non-pharmacologic and Opioid Health Services for Pain Management in Association with Military Readiness and Health Outcomes
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson - Longitudinal Study of Post-Deployment Complementary and Alternative Medicine Pain Management Using Department of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) Data
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson - Variation in Opioid Prescribing Patterns Among Military Prescribers
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson - Association of High-Risk Medications with Health Outcomes and Early Attrition Among Post-Deployment Soldiers with Pain
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson - Preventing Prescription Drug Problems: A Pilot Military Opioid Safety Initiative
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson
MOUD and Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Approaches
Comparing Medication Maintenance in Comprehensive Community and Pharmacy Settings to Enhance Engagement: This project explores the feasibility and utility of partnering pharmacists with treatment providers to improve treatment workflow and achieve better patient outcomes.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green - Piloting a Patient-reported Outcome Measure for for OUD Recovery in a Clinical Setting (Recovery PROM)
Brandeis Lead Scientists: Sharon Reif and Constance Horgan - Racial Disparities and Access to OUD Treatment: The Role of Prescriber Networks in Access to OUD Treatment and Number of Individuals at Risk for OUD in Massachusetts Communities
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Peter Kreiner - Washington Hub & Spoke Opioid Treatment Networks - 2nd Generation Approaches to Improve Medication Treatment for OUD
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Sharon Reif - Hub and Spoke Model to Improve Pharmacotherapy Use for Opioid Addiction and Promote Recovery
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Sharon Reif - Expanding Medication-Assisted Treatment: State Medicaid Technical Assistance Opportunities
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Cindy Parks Thomas - Emergency Department Interventions for Opioid Use Disorder
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Cindy Parks Thomas - Evaluation of the Massachusetts SHIFT-Care Program to Initiate Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in Emergency Departments
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Cindy Parks Thomas
Pain Management and Prescribing
Pain and Alternative Pain Management
- Trajectories of Non-pharmacologic and Opioid Health Services for Pain Management in Association with Military Readiness and Health Outcomes
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson - Longitudinal Study of Post-Deployment Complementary and Alternative Medicine Pain Management Using Department of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) Data
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson - Variation in Opioid Prescribing Patterns Among Military Prescribers
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson - Association of High-Risk Medications with Health Outcomes and Early Attrition Among Post-Deployment Soldiers with Pain
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson - Preventing Prescription Drug Problems: A Pilot Military Opioid Safety Initiative
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Mary Jo Larson
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
PDMPs and Safer Prescribing
- MDPH /SAMHSA, Drug Checking Pilot Evaluation: This pilot study will first implement and evaluate a drug checking intervention in partnership with police departments in Massachusetts, and will also develop a real-time data collection network for tracking the anatomy of the illicit drug supply in the state.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Traci Green - Utilization of the New York State Department of Health Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to Reduce Risky Opioid Prescribing Practices.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Andrew Kolodny - Massachusetts PMP Data Analysis and Evaluation Assistance Project: The major goal of this is to assist the Massachusetts (MA) PMP in analyzing its prescription drug monitoring program data, with a focus on patterns of and trends in controlled substance prescribing.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Gail Strickler - Analysis of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Data Assessing Impact of State Interventions on High Risk Prescribers: FDA-funded evaluation of the impact of an intervention by the New York State Department of Health to reduce risky opioid prescribing practices.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Andrew Kolodny - Prescription Behavior Surveillance System (PBSS): providing epidemiological analyses of de-identified data from state prescription drug monitoring programs to help target and evaluate interventions aimed at reducing prescription drug abuse and diversion.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Peter Kreiner - Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Data Analysis and Evaluation Assistance, 2017-2018
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Peter Kreiner - Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Data Analysis and Evaluation Assistance, 2018-2019
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Gail Strickler - Massachusetts’ Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: The goals are to maximize the capabilities of law enforcement officials to identify individuals involved in illicit prescription drug activity, develop enhancements to the online Massachusetts Prescription Awareness Tool (MassPAT) and improve the quality of prescription information
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Gail Strickler
Resources/Technical Assistance
- Brandeis Opioid Research Clearing House (BORC): The Opioid Resource Connector assists communities in mounting a comprehensive response to the opioid crisis.
Brandeis Lead Scientist: Cindy Parks Thomas
- Peter J. Koutoujian, Robert M. Bohler, Thomas Senst, Kashif Siddiqi, Haresh Rochani, Andrew Kolodny. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Available online 17 February 2025, 112616. Evaluation of an In-Jail and Post-Release Comprehensive Treatment Model for Opioid Use Disorder in Massachusetts.
- Kolodny A, Bohler RM. The Opioid Industry's Legacy: A Generation of Prescribed Suffering. J Clin Psychiatry. 2024 Dec 18;86(1):24com15664. PMID: 39700383.
- Kolodny A, Bohler RM. (2024). Screened Out - How a Survey Change Sheds Light on Iatrogenic Opioid Use Disorder. New England Journal of Medicine. 2024 Dec 12;391(23):2183-2184. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39504517.
- Ferg M, Rapisarda SS, Soranno E, Lewis N, Ottoson A, Tschampl CA. Bridging the gap: An environmental scan of post-overdose program features and evaluation measures. Int J Drug Policy. 2024 Dec 13;134:104651. https://doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104651. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39541762.
- Rapisarda, S. S., Silcox, J., Case, P., Palacios, W. R., Stopka, T. J., Zaragoza, S., Hughto, J. M. W., Shrestha, S., & Green, T. C. (2024). Rapid Assessment Amid an Injection Drug Use-Driven HIV Outbreak in Massachusetts’ Merrimack Valley: Highlights from a Case Study. AIDS and Behavior.
s10461-024-04540-7 -
Zaragoza S, Silcox J, Rapisarda S, Summers C, Case P, To C, Chatterjee A, Walley A, Komaromy M, Green T. Developing a Comprehensive Inventory to Define Harm Reduction Housing. Res Sq [Preprint]. 2024 Oct DOI: 10.21203/ PMID: 39483918; PMCID: PMC11527206.
Reed, M. K., Esteves Camacho, T., Olson, R., Grover, Z., Rapoza, T., & Larson, M. J. (2024). Xylazine’s Impacts on the Community in Philadelphia: Perspectives of People Who Use Opioids and Harm Reduction Workers. Substance Use & Misuse, Oct 31:1-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39482232.
- Brandeis University New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (NEHIDTA) Overdose Response Strategy (ORS). I-91 Drug Supply Project: Expansion of the Massachusetts Drug Supply DataStream (MADDS). Waltham, MA: Brandeis University, 2024.
- Woodruff, J., Bratberg, J., Feltus, S.R., Gray, H.V., Green, T., Kelsey, S., Stewart, M.T., Tschampl, C.A., Weinstein, S.P. Pharmacy-based methadone: Analysis of current laws and regulations. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University, 2024.
- Silcox, J., Rapisarda, S. S., Hughto, J. M. W., Vento, S., Case, P., Palacios, W. R., Zaragoza, S., Shrestha, S., Stopka, T. J., & Green, T. C. (2024). Views and experiences of involuntary civil commitment of people who use drugs in Massachusetts (Section 35). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 263, 112391.
drugalcdep.2024.112391 -
Jaclyn M. W. Hughto, Josiah D. Rich, Patrick J. A. Kelly, Stephanie A. Vento, Joseph Silcox, Madeline Noh, David R. Pletta, Earth Erowid, Fire Erowid, Traci C. Green. (2024). Preventing overdoses involving stimulants: the POINTS study protocol. BMC Public Health 24, 2325.
- Leah H. Harvey, Traci C. Green, Ju Nyeong Park, Josiah D. Rich. U.S. policy responses to xylazine: Thinking bigger. International Journal of Drug Policy 130 (2024) 104517.
- Ju Nyeong Park, Rachel Serafinski, Merci Ujeneza, Michelle McKenzie, Jessica Tardif, Alex J. Krotulski, Adina Badea, Elyse R. Grossman, Traci C. Green. Xylazine Awareness, Desire, Use and Exposure: Preliminary Findings from the Rhode Island Community-Based Drug Checking Cohort Study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports (2024) 100247.
- Anthony S. Floyd, Joseph Silcox, Gail Strickler, Thuong Nong, Malcolm Blough, Derek Bolivar, Megan Rabin, Jeffrey Bratberg, Adriane N. Irwin, Daniel M. Hartung, Ryan N. Hansen, Robert Bohler, Traci C. Green. Policies, adaptations, and ongoing challenges to naloxone, buprenorphine and nonprescription syringe access across four-states: Findings from an environmental scan and key informant interviews. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports 11 (2024) 100243.
Zang, Xiao, Skinner, Alexandra, Krieger, Maxwell S., Behrends, Czarina N., Park, Ju N., Green, Traci C., Walley, Alexander Y., Morgan, Jake R., Linas, Benjamin P., Yedinak, Jesse L., Schackman, Bruce R., Marshall, Brandon D. L. Evaluation of Strategies to Enhance Community-Based Naloxone Distribution Supported by an Opioid Settlement. JAMA Network Open. 2024;7(5):e2413861 PMID: 38814644, PMCID: PMC11140538. https://doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.138614
- Shikhar Shrestha, Thomas J. Stopka, Jaclyn M.W. Hughto, Patricia Case, Wilson R. Palacios, Brittni Reilly, Traci C. Green. LatinX harm reduction capital, medication for opioid use disorder, and nonfatal overdose: A structural equation model analysis among people who use drugs in Massachusetts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 259, (2024).
Samantha F. Schoenberger, Emily R. Cummins, Jennifer J. Carroll, Shapei Yan, Audrey Lambert, Sarah M. Bagley, Ziming Xuan, Traci C. Green, Franklin Cook, Amy M. Yule, Alexander Y. Walley, Scott W. Formica. "Wanna cry this out real quick?”: An examination of secondary traumatic stress risk and resilience among post-overdose outreach staff in Massachusetts. Harm Reduction Journal. (2024); 21(66):1-14.
Adriane N. Irwin, Mary Gray, Daniel Ventricelli, Jesse S. Boggis, Jeffrey Bratberg, Anthony S. Floyd, Joseph Silcox, Daniel M. Hartung, Traci C. Green. “I go out of my way to give them an extra smile now:” A Study of Pharmacists Who Participated in Respond to Prevent, a Community Pharmacy Intervention to Accelerate Provision of Harm Reduction Materials. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. (2024); 20(5):512-519 - Blough, M. J., Rocha, A., Bratberg, J., Silcox, J., Bolivar, D., Floyd, A. S., Gray, M., & Green, T. C. The Cost of Safe Injection: Insights on Nonprescription Syringe Price Variability From Systematic Secret Shopping. Substance Use & Addiction Journal. (2024); 45(2):201-210 - TC Green, J Silcox, D Bolivar, M Gray, A Floyd, AN Irwin, RN Hansen, DM Hartung, JB Bratberg. Pharmacy staff-reported adaptations to naloxone provision and over the counter (OTC) syringe sales during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences across multiple states and two pharmacy chains. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2024; 64 (1):71-78
- Cepeda JA, Thompson E, Ujeneza M, Tardif J, Walsh T, Morales A, Rosen JG, Green TC, Park JN. Costing analysis of a point-of-care drug checking program in Rhode Island. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023; 253:111028.
- Park JN, Tardif J, Thompson E, Rosen JG, Lira JAS, Green TC. A survey of North American drug checking services operating in 2022. Int J Drug Policy. 2023: 121:104206. PMID: 37797571; PMCID: PMC10843152.
- Silcox, J. W., & Stewart, E. (2024). The Professionalization of Stigma: The Novel Case of Recovery Coaching. Journal of Applied Social Science, 18(1), 204-221.
- Bauer, M.R., P. Richard, G. Ritter, J. Yoon, and M.J. Larson. Clinician approaches to new spine pain cases in primary care: Balance of opioid prescribing and early linkage to exercise therapy and spinal manipulation. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. J Eval Clin Pract. 2023;1–12,
Jennifer J. Carroll, Emily R. Cummins, Scott W. Formica, Traci C. Green, Sarah M. Bagley, Leo Beletsky, David Rosenbloom, Ziming Xuan, Alexander Y. Walley. The police paradox: A qualitative study of post-overdose outreach program implementation through public health-public safety partnerships in Massachusetts. International Journal of Drug Policy, Volume 120, October 2023, 104160.
Friedmann PD, Jawa R, Wilson D, Ramsey SE, Hoskinson R Jr, McKenzie M, Walley AY, Green TC, Bratberg J, Rich JD. Prescribe to Save Lives: An Intervention to Increase Naloxone Prescribing Among HIV Clinicians. J Addict Med. 2023 Sep-Oct 01;17(5):598-603. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000001190. Epub 2023 Jun 6. PMID: 37788616; PMCID: PMC10593983.
Leah M. Benrubi, Joseph Silcox, Jaclyn Hughto, Thomas J. Stopka, Wilson R. Palacios, Shikhar Shrestha, Patricia Case, Traci C. Green. Trends and Correlates of Abscess History Among People Who Inject Drugs in Massachusetts: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Experiences Amidst a Rapidly Evolving Drug Supply. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, Volume 8, September 2023, 100176 (2023).
- Bowser D, Bohler R, Davis MT, Hodgkin D, Frank RG, Horgan CM. New Methadone Treatment Regulations Should be Complemented by Payment and Financing Reform, Health Affairs Forefront, June 1, 2023.
- Davis MT, Bohler R, Hodgkin D, Hamilton G, Horgan CM (2023). The Role of Health Plans in Addressing the Opioid Crisis: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2023 Jun;149:209022.
- Hughto, J.M.W., A. Tapper, S.S. Rapisarda, T.J. Stopka, W.R. Palacios, P. Case, J. Silcox, P. Moyo, and T.C. Green. 2023. Drug use patterns and factors related to the use and discontinuation of medications for opioid use disorder in the age of fentanyl: findings from a mixed-methods study of people who use drugs. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 18: 30.
Park, J.N., T.C. Green, and J.D. Rich. 2023. Overdose Detection Technologies—A New Frontier in Preventing Solitary Drug Overdose Deaths. JAMA Psychiatry. Published online April 26, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.0546
Tschampl, C.A., Regis, Craig, Johnson, Nafissa E., Davis, Margot Trotter, Hodgkin, Dominic, Brolin, Mary F., Do, Elizabeth, Horgan, Constance M., Green, Traci C., B. Reilly, Duska, MaryKate, and E.M. Taveras. Protocol for The Implementation of a Statewide Mobile Addiction Program. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research. (2023) e220117.
Hendricks, M.A., S. El Ibrahimi, G.A. Ritter, D. Flores, M.A. Fischer, R.D. Weiss, D.A. Wright, and S.G. Weiner. 2023. Association of Household Opioid Availability With Opioid Overdose. JAMA Network Open 6: e233385.
Z Xuan, S Yan, SW Formica, TC Green, L Beletsky, D Rosenbloom, SM Bagley, SD Kimmel, JJ Carroll, AM Lambert, AY Walley. Association of Implementation of Post-Overdose Outreach Programs with Subsequent Opioid Overdose Deaths among Massachusetts Municipalities. JAMA Psychiatry. March 15, 2023.
- Bohler RM, Freeman PR, Villani J, Hunt T, Linas BS, Walley AY, Green TC, et al. 2023. The Policy Landscape for Naloxone Distribution in Four States Highly Impacted by Fatal Opioid Overdoses. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports. 2023 Mar;6:100126.
M Gray, SS Shin, J Silcox, D Flores, D Bolivar, AN Irwin, AS Floyd, J Bratberg, JS Boggis, DM Hartung, TC Green. “Like it Was Just Everyday Business”: A Qualitative study of Pharmacy-Based Naloxone and Syringe Customer Experience. Journal of American Pharmacists Association. Jan 26, 2023.
- Green TC, Serafinski R, Clark SA, Rich JD, Bratberg J. Physician-Delegated Unobserved Induction with Buprenorphine in Pharmacies. N Engl J Med. 2023 Jan 12;388(2):185-186. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2208055. PMID: 36630629.
- Bohler, R.M., P.R. Freeman, J. Villani, T. Hunt, B.S. Linas, A.Y. Walley, T.C. Green, M.R. Lofwall, C. Bridden, L.A. Frazier, L.C. Fanucchi, J.C. Talbert, and R. Chandler. 2022. The Policy Landscape for Naloxone Distribution in Four States Highly Impacted by Fatal Opioid Overdoses. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports. 2023 Mar;6:100126. doi: 10.1016/j.dadr.2022.100126. Epub 2022 Dec 5. PMID: 36643788; PMCID: PMC9838196.
- Bolivar D, Hartung D, Silcox J, Bratberg J, Boggis J, Rabin M, Green TC. Examining the effects of COVID-19 on pharmacy dispensing of naloxone and syringes sales across Massachusetts and New Hampshire. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2023 Jan-Feb;63(1):330-335.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2022.10.012. Epub 2022 Oct 15. MID: 36369076; PMCID: PMC9574786.
- Hill LG, Light AE, Green TC, Burns AL, Sanaty Zadeh P, Freeman PR. Perceptions, policies, and practices related to dispensing buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: A national survey of community-based pharmacists. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2023 Jan-Feb;63(1):252-260.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2022.08.017. Epub 2022 Aug 24. PMID: 36202711.
- Floyd, A. S., Silcox, J., Cousin, E., Irwin, A. N., Gray, M., Bolivar, D., Bratberg, J., Arnold, J., Al-Jammali, Z., Hansen, R. N., Hartung, D., Green, T. C. (2022). Readiness of community pharmacies to implement an opioid safety intervention. Journal of American Pharmacists Association. 2023 Jan-Feb;63(1):275-283. PMID: 36496310. PMCID: PMC9870924 (available on 2024-01-01).
- Irwin AN, Bratberg JP, Al-Jammali Z, Arnold J, Gray M, Floyd AS, Bolivar D, Hansen R, Hartung DM, Green TC. Implementation of an academic detailing intervention to increase naloxone distribution and foster engagement in harm reduction from the community clinician. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2023 Jan-Feb;63(1):284-294.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2022.12.001. Epub 2022 Dec 7. PMID: 36567216; PMCID: PMC9933140.
- Larson MJ, Bauer MR, Moresco N, Huntington N, Ritter G, Paul-Kagiri R, Hyppolite R, Richard P. Variation in Prescribing of Opioids for Emergency Department Encounters: A Cohort Study in the Military Health System. J Eval Clin Pract. 2022 Dec;28(6):1157-1167. doi: Epub 2022 Jun 6. PMID: 35666601.
- R Olson, P Case, W Palacios, A Hunter, V Lopes-McCoy, TC Green. Law Enforcement and Community Provision of Fentanyl Test Strips to People Who Use Drugs for Engagement and Referral to Services. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (2022) Nov-Dec 01;28(Suppl 6):S343-S346. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001576. PMID: 36194804.
TC Green, R Olson, C Jarczyk, e Erowid, F Erowid, S Thyssen, R Wightman, B del Pozo, L Michelson, A Consigli, B Reilly, S Ruiz. Implementation and Uptake of the Massachusetts Drug Supply Data Stream: A Statewide Public Health-Public Safety Partnership Drug Checking Program. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (2022) Nov-Dec 01;28(Suppl 6):S347-S354. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001581. PMID: 36194805; PMCID: PMC9531987.
- Jawa, R., A.Y. Walley, D.J. Wilson, T.C. Green, M. McKenzie, R. Hoskinson, Jr., J. Bratberg, S. Ramsey, J.D. Rich, and P.D. Friedmann. Prescribe to Save Lives: Improving Buprenorphine Prescribing Among HIV Clinicians. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2022 Aug 15;90(5):546-552. PMID: 35587832 PMCID: PMC9283214 (available on 2023-08-15).
Zisman-Ilani Y, Buell J, Mazel S, Hennig S and Nicholson J (2022) Virtual Community Engagement Studio (V-CES): Engaging Mothers With Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions in Research. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13:805781. 2022 June 15. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.805781
- Green TC, Soipe A, Baloy B, Burstein D, Xuan Z, Tapper A, Walley AY, Case P, Bratberg J, Baird J. Pharmacy on-site overdose protocols and prevention of overdose. Subst Abus. 2022;43(1):64-68. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2020.1736236. Epub 2020 Mar 18. PMID: 32186478.
Pollini RA, Slocum S, Ozga JE, Joyce R, Xuan Z, Green TC, Walley AY. Pharmacy naloxone codispensing: A mixed methods study of practices and perspectives under a statewide standing order program. Journal of American Pharmacist Association. (2002). 2022 Mar 19. PMID: 35450833
- E Kaplowitz, A Macmadu, TC Green, J Berk, JD Rich, L Brinkley-Rubinstein. “It’s probably going to save my life;” Attitudes towards treatment among people incarcerated in the era of fentanyl. Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2022) Volume 232, 1 March 2022,
- JJ Carroll, S Mackin, C Schmidt, M McKenzie, TC Green. The Bronze Age of Drug Checking: Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Advanced Drug Checking Amidst Police Violence and COVID-19. Harm Reduction Journal (2022) 19, Article number: 9.
Weiner SG, Hendricks MA, El Ibrahimi S, Ritter GA, Hallvik SE, Hildebran C, Weiss RD, Boyer EW, Flores DP, Nelson LS, Kreiner PW, Fischer MA. (2022). Opioid-related overdose and chronic use following an initial prescription of hydrocodone versus oxycodone. PLoS One. Apr 5;17(4): e0266561. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0266561. PMCID: PMC8982846.
Clark, Tom W. Causal Responsibility For Addiction. Addictive Behaviors 130 (2022) 107292. an invited contribution to the special issue on New Directions at the Intersection of Addiction and Morality.
Weiner, S.G., S. El Ibrahimi, M.A. Hendricks, S.E. Hallvik, C. Hildebran, M.A. Fischer, R.D. Weiss, E.W. Boyer, P.W. Kreiner, D.A. Wright, D.P. Flores, G.A. Ritter. Factors Associated With Opioid Overdose After an Initial Opioid Prescription. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Jan, 4;5(1):e2145691. PMCID: PMC8800077.
- (2022) Study protocol for the Respond to Prevent Study: a multi-state randomized controlled trial to improve provision of naloxone, buprenorphine and nonprescription syringes in community pharmacies. Substance Abuse, 43:1, 901-905, doi: 10.1080/08897077.2021.2010162.
Irvine, MA, Oller, D., Boggis, J., Bishop, B., Coombs, D., Wheeler, E., Doe-Simkins, M., Walley, AY., Marshall, BDL., Bratberg, J., Green, T.C. (2022) Estimating Naloxone Need in the United States Across Fentanyl, Heroin, and Prescription Opioid Epidemics: A Modelling Study. Lancet Public Health. 2022 March, 7(3):E210-E218.
- Chatterjee, Avik, Yan, Shapei., Xuan, Zimming, Waye, Katherine M., Lambert, Audrey M., Green, Traci C., Stopka, Thomas J., Pollini, Robin A., Morgan, Jake R., Walley, Alexander Y. Broadening access to naloxone: Community predictors of standing order naloxone distribution in Massachusetts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 230 (2022) 109190.
- ME Tori, E Cummins, L Beletsky, SF Schoenberger, AM Lambert, S Yan, JJ Carroll, SW Formica, TC Green, R Apsler, Z Xuan, AY Walley. Warrant checking practices by post-overdose outreach programs in Massachusetts: A mixed-methods study. Int J Drug Policy. 2022 02; 100:103483. PMID: 34700251.
Hughto, J. M., Gordon, L. K., Stopka, T. J., Case, P., Palacios, W. R., Tapper, A., & Green, T. C. (2022). Understanding opioid overdose risk and response preparedness among people who use cocaine and other drugs: Mixed-methods findings from a large, multi-city study. Substance Abuse, 43(1), 465–478.
- Clark, T.W. Determinism and Destigmatization: Mitigating Blame for Addiction. Neuroethics 14, 219–230 (2021).
- S Shrestha, TJ Stopka, JMW Hughto, P Case, WR Palacios, B Reilly, TC Green. (2021) Prevalence and correlates of non-fatal overdose among people who use drugs: findings from rapid assessments in Massachusetts, 2017-2019. Harm Reduction Journal, 18(1):93. PMCID: PMC8404353. doi: 1186/s12954-021-00538-9
Nolen S, Zang X, Chatterjee A, Behrends CN, Green TC, Kumar A, Linas BP, Morgan JP, Murphy SM, Walley AY, Yan S, Schackman BR, Marshall BDL. (2021). Community-based naloxone coverage equity for the prevention of opioid overdose fatalities in racial/ethnic minority communities in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Addiction, 2021 Nov 25. (Published online). doi: 10.1111/add.15759.
Bohler RM, Hodgkin D, Kreiner PW, TC Green (2021). Predictors of U.S. States’ Adoption of Naloxone Access Laws, 2001-2017. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 225, 108772. Published online May 21, 2021. PMCID: PMC8282714.
Bohler, R., Thomas, C.P., Clark, T.W., Horgan, C.M. (2021). Addressing the Opioid Crisis through Social Determinants of Health: What Are Communities Doing? Opioid Policy Research Collaborative at Brandeis University.
Talbert J, Bohler RM, Frazier L, El-Bassel N, Freeman PR. (2021). Letter to the Editor regarding: Medicaid prescription limits and their implications for naloxone accessibility (by Roberts et al., 2021). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 226, 108888. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108888
- Patrick Richard, Diana Bowser, Mark R. Bauer, Natalie Moresco, Regine Walker, Demarcio Reed, Mary Jo Larson. (2021) Opioid Prescribing for Surgical Dental Procedures in Dental Clinics of Military Treatment Facilities. Journal of American Dental Association. 152(2) 94-108 E18. PubMed PMCID: PMC8207621; DOI: 10.1016/j.adaj.2020.09.020.
Hodgkin, D., Adams, R.S., Ritter, G.A., Lee, S., Highland, K.B., and Larson, M.J. (2021). Do Nonpharmacological Services Offset Opioids in Pain Treatment for Soldiers? Health Services Research, 56(6):1222-1232. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13664. PMCID: PMC8586474.
Kumar, R.G., Ornstein, K.A., Corrigan, J.D., Adams, R.S., and Dams-O’Connor, K. (2021). Association Between Lifetime History of Traumatic Brain Injury, Prescription Opioid Use and Persistent Pain: A Nationally Representative Study. Journal of Neurotrauma, 38(16):2284-2290. doi: 10.1089/neu.2020.7496
- Stewart MT, Coulibaly N, Schwartz D, Dey J, Thomas CP. (2021). Emergency department-based efforts to offer medication treatment for opioid use disorder: What can we learn from current approaches? J Subst Abuse Treat. Oct; 129:108479. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108479. Epub 2021 May 15. PMID: 34080563; PMCID: PMC8380665.
- Reif, S, Karriker-Jaffe, KJ, Valentine, A, Patterson, D, Mericle, AA, Adams, RS, and Greenfield, TK. (Accepted, In Press). Substance use patterns and disability status in a US national sample: a mediating role for chronic pain. Disability and Health Journal.
Hodgkin D, Horgan CM, Bart G. (2021). Financial Sustainability of Payment Models for Office-Based Opioid Treatment in Outpatient Clinics. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 16(1)45. PMCID: PMC8256208. doi: 10.1186/s13722-021-00253-7.
Reif, S, Lauer, EA, Adams, RS, Brucker, DL, Ritter, GA, Mitra, M. (2021). Examining Differences in Prescription Opioid Use Behaviors among U.S. Adults With and Without Disabilities. Preventive Medicine. E-pub ahead of print. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106754.
Starosta, AJ, Adams, RS, Marwitz, J, Kreutzer, J, Monden, KR, Dams-O’Connor, K, Hoffman, J. (2021). Scoping Review of Opioid Use after Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. Sep-Oct 01:36(5):310-327. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000721.
Adams, RS, Corrigan, JD, Ritter, GA, Hagemeyer, A, Pliskin, MB, Reif, S. (2021). Association of Lifetime History of Traumatic Brain Injury with Prescription Opioid Use and Misuse among Adults. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. Sep-Oct 01:36(5):328-337. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000729
Adams, RS. (2021). Traumatic Brain Injury and Opioid Use: Additional Evidence Supporting the “Perfect Storm” of Cascading Vulnerabilities. Preface to the Topical Issue on Traumatic Brain Injury and Opioids in Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. Sep-Oct 01:36(5):303-309. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000730
** Dr. Adams was the guest editor for a topical issue that just came out in Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation on "Traumatic Brain Injury and Opioids." She wrote the Preface to the Issue - which is available Free from the publisher.
- Zang, X., Macmadu, A., Krieger, M.S., Behrends, C.N., T.C. Green, J.R. Morgan, S.M. Murphy, S. Nolen, A.Y. Walley, B.R. Schackman, B.D. Marshall. Targeting community-based naloxone distribution using opioid overdose death rates: A descriptive analysis of naloxone rescue kits and opioid overdose deaths in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. International Journal of Drug Policy 98, 103-435 (2021).
- Bauer, M.R., M.J. Larson, N. Moresco, N. Huntington, R. Walker, and P. Richard. (Online, ahead of print) Association between 1-year patient outcomes and opioid-prescribing group of emergency department clinicians: A cohort study with Army active-duty soldiers. Academic Emergency Medicine. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 Jul 10. doi: 10.1111/acem.14331. PMID: 34245641
Mazel S, Zisman-Ilani Y, Hennig S, Garnick D, Nicholson J. Virtual Engagement in a Social Media Community of Mothers With Substance Use Disorders: Content Analysis. JMIR Form Res. 2021 Jun 24;5(6):e24353. doi: 10.2196/24353. PMID: 34184993; PMCID: PMC8277390.
- Adams, RS, Corrigan, JD, Ritter, GA, Hagemeyer, A, Pliskin, MB, Reif, S. (Accepted, In Press). Association of Lifetime History of Traumatic Brain Injury with Prescription Opioid Use and Misuse among Adults. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
- Stewart MT, Coulibaly N, Schwartz D, Dey J, Thomas CP. (2021). Emergency department-based efforts to offer medication treatment for opioid use disorder: What can we learn from current approaches? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 129. doi: 1016/j.jsat.2021.108479
- JMW Hughto, P Case, WR Palacios, A Tapper, TJ Stopka, TC Green. Understanding Opioid Overdose Risk and Response Preparedness among People who Use Cocaine and Other Drugs: Mixed-Methods Findings from a Large, Multi-City Study. Substance Abuse (2021) Jul 6;1-14. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2021.1946893.
P Gandhi, S Rouhani, JN Park, GJ Urquhart, ST Allen, KB Morales, TC Green, SG Sherman. Alternative Use of Buprenorphine Among People Who Use Opioids in Three U.S. Cities. Substance Abuse (2021) Jul 2;1-7. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2021.1942395
Hodgkin, D., Horgan, C., Bart, G. (2021). Financial sustainability of payment models for office-based opioid treatment in outpatient clinics. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 16: 45. PMCID: PMC8256208
- Foti, K., J. Heyward, M. Tajanlangit, K. Meek, C. Jones, A. Kolodny, and G.C. Alexander. 2021. Primary care physicians' preparedness to treat opioid use disorder in the United States: A cross-sectional survey. Drug Alcohol Dependence. 225:108811. PMID: 34175786. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108811.
- Adams, S., Meerwijk, E.L., Larson, M.J., Harris, A.S. Predictors of Veterans Health Administration utilization and pain persistence among soldiers treated for postdeployment chronic pain in the Military Health System. BMC Health Serv Res 2021 May 24;21(1):494. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-06536-8. PMCID: PMC8145830
Kumar RG, Ornstein KA, Corrigan JD, Adams RS, Dams-O'Connor K. Association between Lifetime History of Traumatic Brain Injury, Prescription Opioid Use, and Persistent Pain: A Nationally Representative Study. J Neurotrauma. 2021 Mar 11. doi: 10.1089/neu.2020.7496. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33567980.
Kaplowitz, E., A.Q. Truong, A. Macmadu, M. Peterson, L. Brinkley-Rubinstein, N. Potter, TC. Green, J.G. Clarke, and J.D. Rich. Fentanyl-related overdose during incarceration: a comprehensive review. Health and Justice, 2021 May 19;9(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s40352-021-00138-6. PMCID: PMC8133055
Hodgkin, D., Adams, R.S., Ritter, G., Lee, S., Highland, K.B., Larson, MJ. Do Nonpharmacological Services Offset Opioids in Pain Treatment for Soldiers? Health Services Research, 2021 May 17. Epub Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13664.
Adams, RS., T. Jiang, A.J. Rosellini, E. Horvath-Puho, A.E. Street, K.M. Keyes, M. Cerda, T.L. Lash, H.T. Sorensen, and J.L. Gradus. Sex-Specific Risk Profiles for Suicide Among Persons with Substance Use Disorders in Denmark. Addiction 2021 Feb 23. Epub Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1111/add.15455. PMID: 33620758
R Wightman, E Erowid, F Erowid, S Thyssen, M Wheeler, B Pulminskas, R Olson, TC Green. Confirmed reports of bupropion sold as crack cocaine in the illicit drug supply. Clinical Toxicology. 2021 Mar 31;1-2. doi: 10.1080/15563650.2021.1898632. PMID: 33784932
Elliott, L., D. Crasta, M. Khan, A. Roth, TC. Green, A. Kolodny, and A.S. Bennett. Validation of the Opioid Overdose Risk Behavior Scale, version 2 (ORBS-2). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Jun 1;223:108721. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108721. PMCID: PMC8113089
TC Green, T Stopka, Z Xuan, TC Davis, J Boggis, AN Irwin, M Gray, DM Hartung, J Bratberg. Examining nonprescription syringe sales in Massachusetts and Rhode Island community pharmacies. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2021 Mar 11;S1544-3191(21)00102-3. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2021.03.004. PMID: 33820716
Delcher C, Harris DR, Park C, Strickler GK, Talbert J, Freeman PR. “Doctor and pharmacy shopping": A fading signal for prescription opioid use monitoring? Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2021 Apr 1;221:108618. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108618. PMCID: PMC8026641.
Richard P, Bowser D, Bauer MR, Moresco N, Walker, R, Reed D, Larson MJ. (2021) Opioid Prescribing for Surgical Dental Procedures in Dental Clinics of Military Treatment Facilities. Journal of American Dental Association, 152(2):94-108 E18. PMCID: PMC8207621
Scott W Formica, Katherine M Waye, Allyn O Benintendi, Shapei Yan, Sarah M Bagley, Leo Beletsky, Jennifer J Carroll, Ziming Xuan, David Rosenbloom, Robert Apsler, Traci C Green, Allie Hunter, Alexander Y Walley. Characteristics of post-overdose public health-public safety outreach in Massachusetts. Drug Alcohol Dependence. 2021 Feb 1;219:108499. PMID: 33421800. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108499
Hodgkin, D., Horgan, CM., Stewart, M., Jordan Brown, S. (2021). New Interventions To Address Substance Use Disorder Must Take Financial Sustainability Into Account. Health Affairs Blog, Feb 5, 2021 (2021):
- Saadoun M, Bauer M, Adams RS, Highland K, Larson MJ. (2021) Opioid Non-pharmacologic and Pharmacologic Treatments for Soldiers with Chronic Pain and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychiatric Services, 72(3); 264-272. 272. PMCID: PMC8127998
Warren, E.C., Kolodny, A. (2021). Trends in Heroin Treatment Admissions in the United States by Race, Sex, and Age. JAMA Network Open. Feb 1;4(2):e2036640. PMCID: PMC7865191. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.36640.
Carroll, JJ., Mital, S., Wolff, J., Noonan, RK., Martinez, P., Podolsky, MC., Killorin, JC., Green, TC. Knowledge, preparedness, and compassion fatigue among law enforcement officers who respond to opioid overdose. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2020 Dec 1;217:108257. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108257. PMCID: PMC7475730
- Starosta, AJ, Adams, RS, Marwitz, J, Kreutzer, J, Monden, KR, Dams-O’Connor, K, and Hoffman, J. (2020). Scoping Review of Opioid Use after Traumatic Brain Injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 101 (11), E112-3.
- Green, TC., Bratberg, J., Baird, J., Burstein, D., Lenz, K., Case, P., Walley, AY., Xuan, Z. Rurality and differences in pharmacy characteristics and community factors associated with provision of naloxone in the pharmacy. Int J Drug Policy. 2020 Nov 15;102602. PMID: 31740174 . doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.11.010
- Adams, RS., Garnick, DW., Harris, A. HS., Merrick EL., Larson, MJ. (2020). Assessing the postdeployment quality of treatment for substance use disorders among Army enlisted soldiers in the Military Health System. J of Substance Abuse Treatment, Volume 114:108026. PMCID: PMC7357624. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108026
- Green, T.C., Bratberg, J., Finnell, D.S. (2020) Opioid use disorder and the COVID 19 pandemic: A call to sustain regulatory easements and further expand access to treatment. Substance Abuse, 41:2, 147-149, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2020.1752351
- Meerwijk, E. , Larson, MJ., Schmidt, EM., Adams, RS., Bauer, MR., Ritter, GA., Harris, A. H. (2020). Nonpharmacological Treatment of Army Service Members with Chronic Pain Is Associated with Fewer Adverse Outcomes After Transition to the Veterans Health Administration. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(3), 775-783. PMCID: PMC7080907 doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05450-4.
- Kolodny, A. (Development Group) World Health Organization, W.H. 2020. Guidelines on the Management of Chronic Pain in Children_FINAL.pdf. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- Kolodny, A. (Development Group) Organization, W.H. 2020.Web Annexes A to K. In: Guidelines on the management of chronic pain in children.pdf. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- Green, TC. (Technical Expert Panel Member) Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living with Substance Use and/or Mental Disorders. This guide reviews interventions for people living with substance use and mental disorders who are at risk for or living with HIV. Selected interventions are in alignment with goals of the federal “Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America” (EHE) initiative. Publication ID PEP20-06-03-001. November 2020.
- Gaur, DS., Jacka, BP., Green, TC., Samuels, EA., Hadland, SE., Krieger, MS., Yedinak, JL., Marshall, BDL. US Drug Overdose Mortality: 2009–2018 Increases Affect Young People Who Use Drugs. International Journal of Drug (2020);85:102906. PMCID: PMC7769862. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102906
- JJ Carroll, S Mital, J Wolff, RK Noonan, P Pedro Martinez, MC Podolsky, John Knowledge, Preparedness, and Compassion Fatigue among Law Enforcement Oficers Who Respond to Opioid Overdose. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 217 (2020) 108257. PMCID: PMC7475730.
- A Stone, J Carroll, J Rich, TC Green. One year of Methadone Maintenance Treatment in a Fentanyl Endemic Area: Safety, Repeated Exposure, Retention, and Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. (2020) August 01: Vol: 115, 108031. PMID: 32600619
- With invited commentary: E. Wakeman, TC Green, J Rich. An overdose surge will compound the COVID-19 pandemic if urgent action is not taken. Nature Medicine. (2020) 26, 819–820. PMID: 32555514
- M Irvine, D Coombs, J Skarha, B del Pozo, J Rich, F Taxman, TC Green. Modeling COVID-19 and impacts on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities, 2020. Journal of Urban Health. (2020) 97(4):439–447. PMCID: PMC7228433. doi: 10.1007/s11524-020-00441-x
- How FDA Failures Contributed to the Opioid Crisis. AMA J Ethics. 2020 Aug 1;22(1):E743-750. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2020.743. PubMed PMID: 32880367.
- TC Green, E Donovan, B Klug, P Case, J Baird, A Tapper, A Walley, J Bratberg. Revisiting pharmacy-based naloxone with pharmacists and naloxone consumers in two states: 2017 perspectives and evolving approaches. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2020 Apr 22;S1544-3191(20)30119-9. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2020.03.005. PMID: 32334964
Davis MT, Warfield ME, Boguslaw J, Roundtree-Swain D, Kellogg G. (2020). Parenting a 6-Year-Old Is Not What I Planned in Retirement: Trauma and Stress Among Grandparents Due to the Opioid Crisis. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 63(4): 295-315.
- E Donovan, J Baird, D Burstein, P Case, AY Walley, J Bratberg, TC Green. Pharmacy leaders’ beliefs about how pharmacies can support a sustainable approach to providing naloxone to the community. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2020, Oct;16(10):1493-1497. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2020.01.006. PMID: 31983625
- D Burstein, J Baird, J Bratberg, E Donovan, E Soipe, A Tapper, P Case, A Walley, TC Green (2019). Pharmacist attitudes toward pharmacy-based naloxone: A cross-sectional survey study. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. Mar-Apr 2020;60(2):304-310. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2019.11.004. PMID: 31870862
- HH Hackman, J McDonald, J Koziol, TC Green. Multidisciplinary team reviews of drug overdose deaths and the use of mini-grants to advance recommendations: A statewide pilot in Rhode Island. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 2020;26(3):236-242. PMID: 31688739. doi: 1097/PHH.0000000000001081
- Kolodny, A. Public Policy Schools Create Research Centers to Help Solve Some of the Nation’s Most Pressing Problems. Insight Into Diversity. 2020 Mar; 94(6): 50-53.
- TC Green, JN Park, M Gilbert, M McKenzie, E Struth, R Lucas, W Clarke, SG Sherman. An assessment of the limits of detection, sensitivity and specificity of three devices for public health-based drug checking of fentanyl in street-acquired samples. International Journal of Drug Policy 2020 Mar;77:102661. PMID: 31951925
- A Macmadu, WC Goedel, JW Adams, L Brinkley-Rubinstein, TC Green, JG Clarke, RA Martin, JD Rich, BDL Marshall. Estimating the impact of wide scale uptake of screening and medications for opioid use disorder in US prisons and jails. Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2020) Mar 1;208:107858. PMCID: PMC7075016. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.107858
- Rouhani S, Park JN, Morales KB, Green TC, Sherman Trends in opioid initiation among people who use opioids in three US cities. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2020 May;39(4):375-383. Epub 2020 Apr 6. PMID: 32249463.
- TC Green, A Soipe, B Baloy, D Burstein, Z Xuan, A Tapper, AY Walley, P Case, J Bratberg & J Baird. Pharmacy on-site overdose protocols and prevention of overdose. Substance Abuse,(2020) PMID: 32186478
- With invited commentary: S Burris (2020). Research on the Effects of Legal Health Interventions to Prevent Overdose: Too Often Too Little and Too Late. American Journal of Public Health 110, 768_770. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305678. PMCID: PMC7204446.
- Wakeman SE, Green TC, Rich J. (2020) An overdose surge will compound the COVID-19 pandemic if urgent action is not taken Nat Med. Published online: 01 May 2020.
- Strickler GK, Kreiner PW, Halpin JF, Doyle E, Paulozzi LJ. (2020) Opioid Prescribing Behaviors - Prescription Behavior Surveillance System, 11 States, 2010-2016. published in the Centers for Disease Control’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Surveillance Summary, 69(1), 1-14. doi:10.15585/mmwr.ss6901a1.
- Assessment of Excess Mortality Associated With Drug Overdose in Ohio From 2009 to 2018. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Apr 1;3(4):e202183. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.2183. PubMed PMID: 32259262; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7139273.
Reif S, Stewart MT, Torres M, Davis MT, Dana B, Ritter G. (2020). Effectiveness of value-based purchasing for substance use treatment engagement and retention. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 122.
- Adams, R.S., Corrigan, J.D., and Dams-O’Connor, K. (2020). “Opioid Use Among Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Perfect Storm?” Journal of Neurotrauma. 2020 Jan;37(1): 211–216. PubMed PMID: 31333067; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7364315
Adams, R.S., Corrigan, J.D., Dams-O’Connor, K., and Reif, S. (2020). “Opioid Use Among People With Traumatic Brain Injury (Main and Plain-Language Versions).” INROADS Issue Brief. Waltham, Mass.: Institute for Behavioral Health, the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University.
Hodgkin, D., Garnick, D.W., Horgan, C.M., Busch, A.B., Stewart, M.T., and Reif, S. Is It Feasible to Pay Specialty Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Based on Patient Outcomes? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2020 Jan 1;206:107735. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.107735. PMCID: PMC6941579
Nicholson, , de Girolamo, G., and Schrank, B. (Eds.). (2019). Parents With Mental and/or Substance Use Disorders and Their Children. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2019 Dec 10;10:915. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00915. eCollection 2019. PMCID: PMC6916660
Prior to 2020
- TC Green. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2019. Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Saves Lives. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
- Garnick DW, Horgan CM, Acevedo A, Lee MT, Panas L, Ritter GA, Campbell K. "Rural Clients' Continuity into Follow-up Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Impacts of Travel Time, Incentives, and Alerts. " Journal of Rural Health. PMCID: PMC6856385. 2019 May 15; 36(2):196-207.
- S Kurian, B Baloy, J Baird, D Burstein, Z Xuan, J Bratberg, A Tapper, A Walley, TC Green. Attitudes and perceptions of naloxone dispensing among a sample of Massachusetts community pharmacy technicians, Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. Nov-Dec 2019;59(6):824-831. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2019.08.009 .
- Boggis, J. S., Feder, K. (2019) Trends in tranquilizer misuse among adults who misuse opioids – United States, 2002-2014. Drug Alcohol Depend, 198, 158-161. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.01.014
- Strickler GK, Zhang K, Halpin JF, Bohnert ASB, Baldwin GT, Kreiner PW. (2019) Effects of mandatory prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) use laws on prescriber registration and use and on risky prescribing. Drug Alcohol Depend, 199:1‐9. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.02.010.
- Initial Opioid Prescriptions among U.S. Patients, 2012-2017. N Engl J Med. 2019 Jun 27;380(26):2587. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1905100. PubMed PMID: 31242377
- Strickler GK, Kreiner PW, Halpin JF, Doyle E, Paulozzi LJ (2019). Opioid Prescribing Behaviors — Prescription Behavior Surveillance System, 11 States, 2010–2016. MMWR Surveillance Summary, 69(1);1–14. doi: icon.
- Meunch U, Perloff J, Thomas CP. Opioid prescribing outcomes of Medicare beneficiaries managed by nurse practitioners and physicians. Medical Care 2019; 57(6):482-489.
- Thomas CP. Commentary: Addressing workforce needs for medication treatment for opioid use disorder. Journal of Addiction Medicine 2019; 13(1):1–2. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000442
- Adams RS, Thomas CP, Ritter GA, et al. Predictors of post deployment opioid receipt and long-term prescription opioid utilization among army active duty soldiers. Military Medicine 2019; 2019 Jan 1;184(1-2):e101-e109. PMCID: PMC6329665
- Adams, R.S., Corrigan, J.D., and Dams-O’Connor, K. “Risk for Opioid Use Disorder Among Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury.” Presented at 2019 Addiction Health Services Research Conference, Park City, Utah, October 2019.
- Hodgkin, D, Garnick, DW, Horgan, CM, Busch, AB, Stewart, MT, Reif, S. (2019). Is it feasible to pay specialty substance use disorder treatment programs based on patient outcomes? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 206 107735.
- Reif S, Brolin MF, Stewart MT, Fuchs TJ, Speaker E, Mazel SB. (2019). The Washington state hub and spoke model to increase access to medication treatment for opioid use disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 108 33-39.
- Davis MT, Torres M, Nguyen A, Stewart MT, Reif S. (2019). Improving quality and performance in substance use treatment programs: What is being done and why is it so hard? Journal of Social Work.
- Mazel, S., Hennig, S., Zisman-Ilani, Y., and Nicholson, J. “Exploring Mothers’ Perceptions of Substance Use and Substance Use Treatment.” Presented at 2019 Addiction Health Services
- Adams, R.S., Dietrich, E.J., Gray, J.C., Milliken, C.S., Moresco, N., and Larson, M.J. (2019). “Post-Deployment Screening in the Military Health System: An Opportunity to Intervene for Possible Alcohol Use Disorder.” Health Affairs. 38(8), pp. 1298-1306.
- Nicholson, J., de Girolamo, G., and Schrank, B. (2020). Editorial. “Parents With Mental and/or Substance Use Disorders and Their Children.” Frontiers in Psychiatry. Published online Dec. 10, 2019.
- Acevedo A, Miles J, Garnick DW, Panas L, Ritter G, Campbell K, Acevedo-Garcia D. "Employment after beginning treatment for substance use disorders: The impact of race/ethnicity and client community of residence." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 87, (2018): 31-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2018.01.006
- Weiner, SG, Baker, O, Rogers, AF, Garner, C, Nelson, LS, Kreiner, PW, and Schuur, JD. (2018). Opioid prescriptions by specialty in Ohio, 2010-2014. Pain Medicin, 19(5): 978-989. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx027
- Young, L, Kreiner, PW, Panas, L. (2018) Unsolicited Reporting to Prescribers of Opioid Analgesics by a State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: An Observational Study with Matched Comparison Group. Pain Medicine, 19(7):1396-1407.
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Thomas, C.P., Kim, M.L., Nikitin, R., Carrow, G.M., Clark, T., Kreiner, P. “Prescriber response to unsolicited prescription drug monitoring program reports in Massachusetts.” Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 23(9). (2014):950-970, doi: 10.1002/pds.3666
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Lee MT, Horgan CM, Garnick DW, Acevedo A, Panas L, Ritter G, Dunigan R, Babakhanlou-Chase H, Bidorini A, Campbell K, Haberlin K, Huber A, Lambert-Wacey D, Leeper T, Reynolds M. (2014) A performance measure for continuity of care after detoxification: Relationship with outcomes. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 47(2): 130-139. PMCID: PMC4076006
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Ryan, M., Merrick, E. L., Hodgkin, D., Horgan, C.M., Garnick, D.W., Panas, L., Ritter, G., Blow, F., Saitz, R. (2013), Drinking Patterns of Older Adults with Chronic Medical Conditions. Journal of General Internal Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s11606-013-2409.l
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