Happening Now at the CLPC
Introducing an Interactive Dashboard to Learn More about People with Disabilities

Historically, data about people with disabilities and their experiences has been difficult to access, navigate, and understand. Our interactive data dashboards offer a solution for advocates, policymakers, and researchers, portraying information about parents with disabilities and community living services in visually engaging and easy-to-use ways. We hope these dashboards can serve as an effective tool for disability advocates to further the rights, access, and inclusion of the disability community.
Access the Disability Data Dashboard

Webinar: Unlocking Potential: Social Housing as a Catalyst for Accessible, Affordable Living
This exciting and timely webinar explores the burgeoning movement for social housing in the United States and the untapped opportunities it presents to increase permanent, affordable, accessible housing for disabled renters. Social housing embodies the growing view that private, for-profit housing development has failed to meet the nation’s growing affordable housing crisis. Shielded from the market, rent-stabilized, and sustainable, social housing holds the potential to help solve the housing shortage for renters with diverse incomes, including very low-income disabled people.
Access the accessible PowerPoint file.
RECORDING available now

Webinar: Olmstead 25th Anniversary Panel: The Progress and Promise of the Olmstead Decision
The Community Living Policy Center held a timely and important panel event on Tuesday, June 18th on key milestones of Olmstead advocacy and future directions for community living policy. We were extremely fortunate to be joined by Jennifer Mathis, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice, Professor Jasmine E. Harris, law and inequality legal scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, Teresa Nguyen, Director of the Community Living Equity Center, and Mike Oxford, community living advocate.
Access the OLMSTEAD Webinar Recording

Disability Identity and Pride in Equity Research: Community Living Equity Center webinar
The Community Living Equity Center's first webinar, Disability Identity and Pride in Equity Research, centered the voices of members of CLEC's Community Advisory Committee. With a brief introduction of the CLEC mission and guiding principles, researchers discuss gaps in equity research and self-advocates shared their perspectives on disability, identity, and representation within research.
Access the ReCORDING of Disability Identity & Pride in Equity Research