Community Living Policy Center

Research Priorities

The Community Living Policy Center is located within the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University

Community Living Policy Center research highlights policies and programs related to the provision and quality of Home- and Community-Based Services. Research projects are organized by the following two priority areas:

Priority 1: Advance Research and Policy to Increase Positive Community Living Outcomes

R1.1: Home and Community-Based Services Equity and Rebalancing

Analyses of Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) to: 1. Examine proportion of Medicaid LTSS recipients using HCBS by state, stratified by disability subpopulation, race/ethnicity, age; 2. Explore differences in type of HCBS utilization/expenditures by beneficiary characteristics in selected states; 3. Explore impacts of state rebalancing on reduced risk of long-term institutional placement.

Investigators: Ilhom Akobirshoev, Jen Perloff, Joe Caldwell

R1.2a: Person-Centered Planning and Care Coordination in Massachusetts

Participatory action research study led by the Disability Policy Consortium (DPC) to examine the experiences of HCBS recipients to improve person-centered planning and care coordination in integrated care models.

Investigator: Dennis Heaphy

R1.2b: Cultural Context and Competency of Person-Centered Planning

Exploratory, descriptive study led by Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) including focus groups with people from diverse race, ethnicity, and other cultural backgrounds to explore cultural context and competency in person-centered planning practices.

Investigators: Bevin Croft, Teresa Nguyen

R1.3a: Impacts of Workforce Crisis on Individuals Self-Directing

Collection of longitudinal data on gaps in care and turnover for individuals self-directing HCBS in multiple states to examine trends and associations with wages.

Investigator: Joe Caldwell

R1.3b: Perspectives of Direct Care Workers on Recruitment and Retention

Qualitative study interviewing direct care workers about their experiences and perspectives on strategies to improve recruitment and retention of workers.

Investigator: Kim The

R1.4: Access to Affordable and Accessible Housing

Qualitative study led by the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) including key informant interviews to identify promising practices and local models of housing and supports for individuals with disabilities.

Investigator: Mary Lou Breslin

Priority 2: Timely Data and Policy Analyses to Promote Community Participation

R2.1: Rapid Data Analysis to Advance Community Living Policy

Timely demand-based generation of data reports to address urgent and developing policy issues. Based partly on requests from partners, ACL/NIDLRR, other agencies or advocacy organizations, the CLPC will select at least one topic per year to address using survey, administrative, expenditure, or other data.

Investigators: Monika Mitra, Jean Hall (University of Kansas)

R2.2: Community Living Policy Analysis and Development

The CLPC will convene workgroups of community living policy experts to: 1. Identify and analyze at least 5 pressing policy issues; 2. Study the policy and any existing proposals to amend the policy; 3. Review literature relevant to the policy issue, including any research findings or evaluations; 4. Develop policy briefs with recommendations to improve policy and practice.

Leads: Henry Claypool, Joy Hammel, Greg Robinson, Mike Oxford, Teresa Nguyen, Syd Pickern