Rachel Sayko Adams, PhD'13, MPH
Visiting Research Scientist
Health services researcher, Boston University School of Public Health, Department of Health Law, Policy & Management
Expertise: Health services research, utilization and diagnoses associated with military health care, public health policy, survey analysis, traumatic brain injury, co-occurring conditions, and health policy

Stephanie Jordan Brown

Margot Davis, PhD'08
Expertise: Qualitative research, behavioral health treatment systems, evaluation research, addiction services research, faith-based programs

William Fisher, PhD
Professor Emeritus, School of Criminology and Justice Studies, University of Massachusetts/Lowell; Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Expertise: Mental health policy and law; interface of the criminal justice and mental health systems; social deviance and social control; statistical analysis and research methodology; social epidemiology of mental disorders

Elisabeth Okrant
Senior Vice President, Quality Improvement at Beacon Health Options

Maureen Stewart, PhD'09
Visiting Research Scholar
Research Associate Professor, Boston University School of Public Health, Health Law, Policy, and Management
Expertise: policy and system approaches to improve access to and quality of alcohol and drug treatment services and to reduce disparities in treatment

Raymond V. Tamasi, MEd
Project consultant
Expertise: Mental health; substance abuse; behavioral health/general medical interface; incentives to shape health behaviors; quality of care; workplace health programs including employee assistance programs; wellness and preventive services; older adults; psychotropic medication utilization