Institute for Behavioral Health


The UPWARD Study Research Team

Team Member Bios

Sharon Reif, PhD'02

Sharon Reif, PhD'02

Principal Investigator

Co-Director of Brandeis-Harvard SPIRE Center, Professor
Meelee Kim, PhD'19

Meelee Kim, PhD'19


Scientist in the Institute for Behavioral Health at the Heller School, Brandeis University

Andre Johnson, PhD


President/ CEO and founder of the Detroit Recovery Project, Inc.
Constance Horgan, Professor, Director of the Institute for Behavioral Health

Constance Horgan, ScD


Professor; Director, Institute for Behavioral Health; Co-director, Schneider Institutes for Health Policy and Research
Shanesha Christmas

Shanesha Christmas

Research Associate

Research Associate in the Institute for Behavioral Health at the Heller School, Brandeis University

Karen Alfaro, PhD student

Karen Alfaro, MPH

Graduate Research Assistant

Doctoral student in the Behavioral Health concentration and NIAAA predoctoral trainee
Adam Vose-O'Neal

Adam Vose-O'Neal, MA, MSW, LICSW

Research Associate

Doctoral student in the Behavioral Health concentration and NIAAA Fellow

Talissa King-Furniss

Research Assistant

Research Assistant at Detroit Recovery Project, Inc. supporting the UPWARD project

Drew Hickman, MPH

Research Manager

Research Manager at Detroit Recovery Project, Inc. supporting the UPWARD project

Elisabeth Okrant, PhD


Institute for Behavioral Health consultant; Developed the Response to Addiction Recovery (R2AR) tool, which is used in Aims 1b and 3 of the UPWARD study
Audrey Hildebrandt

Audrey Hildebrandt

Project Manager

Sr. Project Manager in the Institute for Behavioral Health at the Heller School, Brandeis University