Institute for Behavioral Health


Preliminary Results from a Nationwide Medicaid Managed Care Plan Survey.   Medicaid managed care plans provide insurance for over three-quarters of Medicaid enrollees nationally and plan a critical role facilitating treatment for substance use disorders. This report presents preliminary findings from the first-ever national survey of Medicaid managed care plan policies related to substance use treatment. 

Stewart MT, Andrews CM, Feltus SR, Hodgkin D, Horgan CM, Thomas CP, Nong T. (2024) Medicaid managed care restrictions on medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Health Services Research, 1-11.

Acevedo A, Adams RS, Cook BL, Feltus SR, Panas L, Stewart MT. Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Use at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Insurance. Substance Use & Addiction Journal. 2024;0(0).