GDS News
Ariel Weissmann wins Undergraduate Research Fellowship

WGBH Forum on Oppression and Exceptionalism: Revisioning Caste, February 20, 2024

Law, Caste, and The Pursuit of Justice
GDS held the Sixth International Conference on the Unfinished Legacy of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Friday, October 20 through Sunday, October 22, 2023, at Brandeis University. The Hon'ble Dr. Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, The Chief Justice of India, delivered the Keynote Address on Reformation Beyond Representation: The Social Life of the Constitution in Remedying Historical Wrongs.

Laurence Simon delivers two invited Ambedkar Memorial Lectures in India
GDS Raizal Project representatives give testimony at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Amnesty International recruits Associate Professor Rajesh Sampath
Laurence Simon visits GDS Re-envisioning Social Protection Policy project in Sri Lanka
Rajesh Sampath lectures at Harvard Kennedy School

GDS awards 2023 Mississippi Delta Scholar Fellowship
Elisha Gordan, an undergraduate at Brandeis majoring in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, has been chosen for this year’s Delta Fellowship. Elisha will participate in the Delta Scholars Summer Institute which is a twelve-day immersion program during which students will work to identify an issue of inequality or injustice that they are interested in and develop a proposal for a project to promote dialogue and change around that issue in their own communities or the state of Mississippi broadly.
Scholars begin the program at the Shackouls Honors College at Mississippi State University (MSU) where they engage with faculty and guest lecturers from a range of disciplines to learn about issues currently challenging the people and economy of Mississippi, including food insecurity, public health, education, and more. Then, students will take an Innovation Tour of the Delta, where they will have the chance to meet and learn from researchers, non-profit organizations, and community members who have worked to tackle difficult issues in their community through bold new approaches and community-led efforts. Students will attend the Delta Regional Forum and present their own project proposals at the conclusion of the conference. The Delta Scholars Program is a collaboration with MSU, Harvard, Brandeis and other universities.
GDS accredited by DESA

Rajesh Sampath to join Springer Editorial Advisory Board