PROGRAM Parallel sessions Plenary SPEAKERSConference History
PROGRAM Parallel sessions Plenary SPEAKERSConference History
The Hon'ble Dr. Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, The Chief Justice of India, delivered the Keynote Address on Reformation Beyond Representation: The Social Life of the Constitution in Remedying Historical Wrongs. Watch the video
The 6th International Conference on the Unfinished Legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar welcomed participants from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the UK, Canada, and across the USA.
The Award recognized individuals who show great promise to make outstanding scholarly contributions in their future careers to the study of caste. The award ceremony included the Bluestone Prize recipients of 2021 and 2023. Read more about the competition and winning scholars.
Four years ago, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama sent a letter to J-CASTE with his prayers and good wishes for the journal's mission "to advance the study of caste and social policies.” His Holiness writes that caste is a "vestige of feudalism." Read the full letter.
Photo by courtesy of The Tibet Fund.