Disabled mothers-to-be face indignity: ‘Do you have a man? Can you have sex?’
Disabled women have children at the same rate as nondisabled women, but Lurie director Monika Mitra notes, "[t]he assumption is that a person cannot have a disability and take care of someone else."

Basic healthcare for people with disabilities should be the norm, not a specialty
Co-investigator Kara Ayers argues that inclusivity efforts in healthcare should include disability.

Ending ableist discrimination in Ohio
Disabled parents say their differences are being used against them in Ohio family courts. Kara Ayers weighed in on Ohio's Senate Bill 202.

The Lurie Institute to house a new research center focused on disability and pregnancy
The establishment of the National Center for Disability and Pregnancy Research (NCDPR) was supported by the receipt by the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy of a three-year grant from the Administration for Community Living's National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. The grant will support Lurie's crucial research on disability and pregnancy, in particular, among disabled people of color.