National Center for Disability and Pregnancy Research


Severe Maternal Morbidity in Deaf or Hard of Hearing Women in the United States

In unadjusted analyses, deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) women were at 80% higher risk for severe maternal morbidity (SMM) during delivery and postpartum compared to non-DHH women. Our findings demonstrate a critical need for inclusive preconception, prenatal, and postpartum care that address conditions that increase the risk for SMM among DHH people.

Screenshot of Mike McKee's ASL summary of severe maternal morbidity for deaf or hard of hearing women.

Screenshot of ThatDeafFamily's Instagram video 1

"I hope me sharing my experience would help other deaf/hoh women who are pregnant or plan to would learn something from this."
- Estefani Arevalo

Screenshot of ThatDeafFamily's Instagram video 2

"Whether you’re hearing or deaf, let’s talk about must-have breastfeeding tips. "
- Estefani Arevalo

Screenshot of ThatDeafFamily's Instagram video 3

"I am so thankful to have Essie in our interview! Her story as a Deaf mom-to-be is truly inspiring."
- Estefani Arevalo

Our 2-Part Series on Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Mothers' Experiences

Download the text versions.

Part One: Pregnancy Outcomes and Disparities for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Mothers

Part Two: Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Mothers’ Experiences with Pregnancy Care: Explaining Disparities

Pregnancy Experiences of Deaf People

In summary plain-language and ASL format:

In extended plain-language and ASL format:

Perinatal Health Risks and Outcomes Among US Women With Self-Reported Disability, 2011–19