You may be interested in these Research Summaries, Briefs, and Reports:
Pregnancy & Disabled People
All disabilities or disability in general
Perinatal Health Risks and Outcomes Among US Women With Self-Reported Disability, 2011–19 ▶
Pregnancy among Deaf Women
NEW! Pregnancy Experiences of Deaf People
Also see our ASL videos in both summary and extended format on Deaf people's pregnancy experiences.
Two-Part Report on Research on Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Mothers
Pregnancy, Birth, and Infant Outcomes among Women Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Pregnancy among Women with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Pregnancy Care for Women with Intellectual Disabilities
Risky, Unaffordable, and Inequitable: Race, Ethnicity, Birth Outcomes, and Hospital Charges
Birth Outcomes among U.S. Women with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Advice and Facts for Mothers and Expecting Mothers with Intellectual Disabilities
The IDD Women's Study: Self Advocates
The IDD Women's Study: For Providers
Pregnancy among Women with Physical Disabilities
Self-Advocacy Tips for Pregnant Women with Physical Disabilities
Recommendations for Clinicians Working with Pregnant Women with Physical Disabilities
Contraceptive Use
Sterilization of Women With and Without Cognitive Disabilities in the United States
Birth Control for Women with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities