Hello Heller! Hannah Watson's Acceptance story

September 07, 2023

Hannah Watson, MPP'24Summer in New York city, cramped on the L train, surrounded by the aroma of greasy food and smoke. Despite the hunger that consumed me and the exhaustion of my tired feet, the excitement to return home outweighed the traction of rush hour in my mind. Finally, I was home. Turning the key in the door's lock, I felt like I was opening the gates to heaven. Seeing my aunt’s smiling face and inhaling the scent of the baked Atlantic salmon and fresh-cooked jasmine rice. The notion to check my status page never even crossed my mind. 

After dinner, my aunt and I had our usual talk. We talked about each other's days at work and the sneaky business of our neighbors across the street. However, at that moment, I reminded myself to check my status page. I had already assumed a drastic and heartbreaking outcome, but my life changed when I saw the word "Congratulations!" on my screen. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. That single word paralyzed me. Inquisitive, but still enjoying her food, my aunt asked me if everything was okay. I told her my news and another smile emerged. I called my mother, father, sisters and brothers to share the wonderful news. 

During my first year as a Master of Public Policy student, I developed various skills and techniques that will assist me in advancing my career. As a result of the rigorous coursework and pursuit of career-building opportunities through internships and projects, I've developed theoretical and practical frameworks to design sustainable and equitable solutions to policies. 

Despite applying to a number of colleges for my master's degree, Heller exceeded all my expectations and needs. The motto, values, professionalism, and awareness of the institution made me realize that I am surrounded by peers who are driven and passionate about social policy, professors with many years of experience, and staff who encourage a sense of community.