Executive Education Program

Registration 1/2

What is your primary role in collective bargaining:

__ Labor Representative

__Mnagement Representative

__Neutral Mediator, Arbitrator, or Other (please specify______)

When is the next collective bargaining negotiation in which you will be involved:

__Bargaining begins: _____________

__It is complicated (please explain: _________________)

Will this be a first contract for the bargaining unit:



__It is complicated (please explain: _______________)

How large is the bargaining unit:

__Under 100 people

__100-499 people

__500-999 people


__5,000 or more people

Approximately how many people in the bargaining unit are under the age 35:

__25% or fewer




Is there a labor-management partnership guiding relations in the bargaining unit:



__It is complicated (please explain: _______________)

Are there front-line workplace teams supporting continuous improvement in operations in the bargaining unit:



__It is complicated (please explain: _______________)

What learning objective most drew you to this workshop (select all that apply):

__Forging constructive labor-management relations.

__Negotiating first contracts that are a foundation for success.

__Negotiating continuing contracts that combine good jobs with high-performance.

__Aligning long-standing collective bargaining traditions with the expectations of the next-generation workforce, including issues of equity, trust, and voice.

__Advancing the benefits of new technology, while mitigating the risks.

__Identifying and taking into account the interests of diverse stakeholders – within labor and management, as well as others (suppliers, customers, clients, communities).

__Learning how to be hard on the issues, not each other.

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