Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld
Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management. Co-author of Strategic Negotiations: A Theory of Change in Labor-Management Negotiations, and leader in facilitating stakeholder alignment; past president of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA).

Dennis Dabney
Senior Vice President (retired), lead management negotiator and co-lead for a labor-management partnership spanning over 100,000 workers and over two-dozen unions; past president of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA).

Tom Kochan
MIT's Sloan School. Co-author of The Transformation of American Industrial Relations and past president, Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA).

Kim Leary
Senior Vice President of the Urban Institute and leader of equity and gender initiatives in the federal government; expert on large-scale systems change.

Wilma Liebman
Leader in advancing new forms of worker representations in society; former NLRB member and chair, and former deputy director FMCS; past president of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA).

Lisa Lynch
Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management. Former chief economist for the U.S. Department of Labor and former chair of the conference of chairs of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank; leading expert on workforce development in society; past president of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA).

Kris Rondeau
Co-lead organizer of the Harvard Clerical and Technical Union, the SHARE union, and others; Director of AFSCME, New England; past president of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA).

Søren Viemose
Mediator and trainer for labor-management, and civic negotiations in Denmark. Author of Constructive Negotiations.