PhD Faculty

Lisa M. Lynch
Maurice B. Hexter Professor of Social and Economic Policy; Director, PhD Program; Director, Institute for Economic and Racial Equity; Concentration Co-Chair, Economic and Racial Equity
Expertise: Labor markets, unemployment, organizational innovation
PhD Faculty

Dolores Acevedo-Garcia
Adjunct Professor
Expertise: Public health, racial/ethnic disparities in health and social determinants of health, social policy and health
Acevedo-Garcia’s research focuses on the social determinants of racial/ethnic inequities in health, such as in residential segregation, neighborhood inequality and immigrant adaptation; the role of social policies in reducing those inequities, such as housing and immigration policies; and the health and wellbeing of children with disabilities and their families.

Stuart Altman
Sol C. Chaikin Professor of National Health Policy and Co-Director, Schneider Institutes for Health Policy and Research

Larry Bailis
Associate Professor

Christine Bishop
Atran Professor of Labor Economics

William Crown
Distinguished Scientist

Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld
Professor and Director, Social Impact MBA Program

Karen Donelan
Stuart H. Altman Chair in U.S. Health Policy

Deborah Garnick

Jody Hoffer Gittell

Anita Hill
University Professor of Social Policy, Law, and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Dominic Hodgkin

Constance Horgan
Professor; Co-Director, Schneider Institutes for Health Policy and Research; Concentration Co-Chair, Behavioral Health
Expertise: Organization and financing of alcohol, drug and mental health service; quality and effectiveness of behavioral health treatment
Horgan’s research focuses on the organization, financing and quality of behavioral healthcare. She examines how alcohol, drug and mental health services are financed, organized, and delivered in the public and private sectors, and what approaches can be used to improve the quality and effectiveness of the delivery system.

Nina Kammerer
Senior Lecturer

Maria Madison
Interim Dean
Expertise: intersectionality and bioethics, anti-bias/anti-racism workshops and pro seminars, discrimination analytics, clinical trial design optimization and problem solving, and evidence-based research methods; clinical and public health research in Africa and Europe
Madison is a public health researcher with extensive experience in clinical trials and population health disparities research. In addition to implementing evidence-based diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at Heller, her research builds on multidisciplinary thinking to address systematized racism and close equity gaps through policy. She has received awards in pharmacovigilance and public history. She teaches racial determinants of health and inequality, and bioethics.

Tatjana Meschede
Senior Scientist and Senior Lecturer; Concentration Co-Chair, Economic and Racial Equity
Expertise: Poverty, economic security, homelessness and housing, research methods/statistics, working with large national data sets
Meschede’s research centers on economic inequities and social and economic mobility with a specific focus on racial wealth disparities, housing and homelessness. A skilled qualitative and quantitative researcher, her work ranges from community centered evaluations collaborating with local non-profits and state departments to national data projects.

Monika Mitra
Nancy Lurie Marks Professor of Disability Policy and Director of the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy

Lee Panas
Senior Programmer and Lecturer

Jennifer Perloff, PhD’06
Senior Scientist and Director, Institute on Healthcare Systems; Concentration Chair, Health
Expertise: Evaluation research, study design, survey tool design and validation, data analysis, including claims data, manuscript preparation
Perloff is an expert in health services research and evaluation, with a strong emphasis on value-based payment. She has been involved in numerous studies on the cost, quality and efficiency of nurse practitioner-delivered primary care, as well as research and policy analysis to support population health models and other value-based models, such as episode-based payment.

Sharon Reif, PhD'02
Professor and Director, Institute for Behavioral Health; Concentration Co-Chair, Behavioral Health

Grant Ritter
Associate Professor

Rajesh Sampath
Associate Professor of the Philosophy of Justice, Rights, and Social Change

Leonard Saxe
Klutznick Professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies

Donald Shepard

Laurence Simon
Professor of International Development and Director, Center for Global Development and Sustainability

Cindy Parks Thomas, PhD'00
Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Expertise: Health policy, health technology transfer, state health reform, prescription drug policy, addiction treatment, Medicare and Medicaid coverage
Thomas researches and evaluates state and national health reform, pharmacy policy, insurance benefit design, and prescription drug abuse. Her work includes analyses of prescription drug utilization and spending trends, technology transfer, and impact evaluations of state coverage programs. Her work in behavioral health includes adoption and impact of new substance use disorder treatments, quality of treatment, and monitoring the prescribing and use of controlled substances.

Christopher Tompkins, MMHS’82, PhD’91
Associate Research Professor

Marji Erickson Warfield, PhD’91
Senior Scientist and Lecturer

David Weil

Graham Wright, MPP'15, PhD’16
Associate Research Scientist and Lecturer