Segregation Yesterday and Today: Exploring Possibilities for Systemic Change
This report, with our colleagues at the National Collaborative for Health Equity, explores the root causes of racial segregation and its far-reaching harms and also explores efforts across the nation to realize repair and redress. We offer recommendations for policymakers, educators and funders. August 2023.
Susan Eaton further discussed this work during the National Collaborative for Health Equity's Panel "A Call for Unity and The Power of Racial Healing" in January 2024.

The Index Explosion: A Curated Collection of Social Sector Indexes, Rankings and Measures to Inform Grantmaking in the United States

From Class Action to Reparative Philanthropy: The Norflet Progress Fund and the Future of Cy Pres Practice
This report explores the process, nature and impact of grants made by the temporary foundation, the Norflet Progress Fund. With a mission to benefit African Americans, the Fund was created as part of a cy pres component in settlement of a class action lawsuit that had alleged racial discrimination in insurance. The report also provides lessons especially relevant for legal professionals engaged in cy pres practice and for those committed to just and responsive philanthropic practice. This report builds on our previous work related to cy pres. Published April 2021.
This report is part of Sillerman’s Civil Rights and Civil Repair project.

A Steady Habit of Segregation: The Origins and Continuing Harms of Separate and Unequal Housing and Public Schools in Metropolitan Hartford, Connecticut

Civic Engagement and People with Disabilities: A Way Forward Through Cross-Movement Building

As Near As Possible? Applying Best Philanthropic Practice to Judicial Disbursements of Residual Funds in Class Action Lawsuits
In this report, we explore a widely debated legal practice called "cy pres." This term, translated from the French as "as near as possible," refers to the process by which courts grant leftover funds from class action lawsuits to nonprofit organizations. We argue that courts' actions in this realm should be informed by established best practice in social justice philanthropy. This will help ensure the cy pres processes are fair, equitable, and have the maximum benefit for members of the original harmed class. Published November 2018.
This report is part of Sillerman’s Civil Rights and Civil Repair project.

Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive K-12 Schools: A New Call for Philanthropic Support
By Susan Eaton and Suchi Saxena
This report makes the case for philanthropic investment in racially, culturally and socioeconomically diverse K-12 public schools. We offer an overview of work in this field, its evolution, its growing popularity, supportive research base and hopeful contemporary examples. We provide a variety of paths for funders to support this work in ways that align with common philanthropic strategies and priorities. This report was informed by interviews with educators and other practitioners working towards diverse, equitable and inclusive schools and by numerous convenings and conferences, by research and by the authors' experience in this field. We wish to thank our project collaborators and sponsors, The Ford Foundation and the Einhorn Family Charitable Trust. Published January 2018.
This report is part of Sillerman’s Civil Rights and Civil Repair project.