Brandeis, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, The Institute for Economic and Racial Equity

The Institute for Economic and Racial Equity is a research institute whose work advances economic opportunity and equity for individuals and families, particularly households of color and those kept out of the economic mainstream.

Working at the intersections of academia, policy, and practice, IERE partners with diverse communities to transform structures, policies, and narratives. Grounded in a social justice tradition, our research informs strategic action for racial and economic justice to achieve an inclusive, equitable society.

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Recent News

Promoting Equity in Retirement, Disability and Health, a Research Consortium, Receives 5 Year Cooperative Agreement from the Social Security Administration

IERE announces participation in five year cooperative agreement from the Social Security Administration through its Retirement and Disability Research Consortium (RDRC) program.

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New Report: Tending Repair

In 1997, Black farmers sued the USDA and won in Pigford v. Glickman. In the latest report from the Pigford Project, Tending Repair, claimants and descendents share their stories and vision for a flourishing future.

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National Wealth Trends & The Challenges of Local Data

Our researchers and the team at Boston Indicators highlight racial wealth trends nationally and speak to the trouble of local data.

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