Making Knowledge Productive

Established at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management in 1983, the Center for Youth and Communities (the Center) is one of the nation’s premier research, policy, and capacity-building organizations dedicated to improving the quality of community systems and programs in support of children, youth, and families across the lifespan. Our focus on economic and racial equity has been consistent over decades and is underscored by Brandeis University’s founding values of open inquiry, academic excellence and an abiding commitment to social justice. At the Heller School, our motto is “Knowledge Advancing Social Justice.”

By combining scholarly research and practical experience with an emphasis on children, youth, and families whose supports and opportunities have been few, the Center’s work is guided by three strategies:
• Working collaboratively to transform human service organizations and collaborations into learning organizations that can lead systems change and increase social impact
• Using science-based research to improve the quality and impact of programs and systems for children, youth and families
• Developing and using a mix of evaluation methods matched to the stage of program development and implementation that can generate information to further grow, strengthen, and sustain programs and collaborative efforts.


The Center for Youth and Communities merged with IERE and named new Center Director Dr. Sangeeta Tyagi.

In the Center for Youth and Communities’ 40th year as a research and learning hub at the Heller School, the Center joined the Institute for Economic and Racial Equity (IERE). Longtime Center for Youth and Communities Executive Director Susan P. Curnan welcomed CYC Senior Social Scientist Dr. Sangeeta Tyagi as the new Center Director.

Letter from Susan Curnan - Thank you and Welcome New Center Director Sangeeta Tyagi (October 2023)

Center for Youth and Communities Merges with Institute for Economic and Racial Equity (May 2023)


About IERE

About CYC