2010 - 2014
Curnan, S.P., Lanspery, S., LaCava, L., Kingsley, C., Hughes, D.M., Melchior, A., Dursin, S., Marcus, J., and Perlmutter, A. (2nd Edition, 2014). Practical Advice Guides: Smart Strategies to Employ, Educate, and Support Youth in Employability Development Programs. Made possible by generous support from the Walmart Foundation. Waltham, Mass.: The Center for Youth and Communities.
Hughes, D.M., Colombo, M., Hughes, L.A., and Plachta Elliott, S. (2014). From Citywide to Neighborhood-Based: Two Decades of Learning, Prioritization, and Strategic Action to Build the Skillman Foundations’s Youth-Development Systems. The Foundation Review, 6(2), 95-98.
Curnan, S.P., Lord, B. Nellie Mae Education Foundation. (2014). Report: Systems Change for Student-Centered Learning: A New Logic for District Level Systems Change.
Systems Level Logic Model and Student-Centered Learning Logic Model. (July 2014). Prepared in collaboration with and for the Nellie Mae Education Foundation “District Level Systems Change” Initiative. (Formatted for print size.)
Burack, C., Lanspery, S., Pineros Shields, T., and Singleton, S. (January 2014). Partnerships that Promote Success: Lessons and Findings from the Evaluation of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Community College Transfer Initiative.
CYC evaluations of the FIRST Robotics Programs, available on the FIRST website.
Creating New Pathways to Postsecondary: Evaluation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Postsecondary Success (PSS) Initiative. (December 2013). Report prepared for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and PSS Initiative Partners: Jobs for the Future, National Youth Employment Coalition, YouthBuild USA, Inc. Waltham, Mass.: The Center for Youth and Communities. (See also Executive Summary here.)
Burack, C., and Melchior, A. (Co-editors). (2013). International Journal of Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, sponsored by the International Association of Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, 1(1).
Curnan, S P., Hahn, A., Bookman, A., Hughes, D.M., Jacobs, C., Isenberg, L., and Rabinow, L. (2012). Moving From Talk to Collective Action: Effective Strategies for Alleviating Hunger and Food Insecurity in America, A Report on Brandeis Research and Interviews with Members of the Corporate Coalition. Waltham, Mass.: The Center for Youth and Communities and The Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy for the Corporate Coalition Fighting Hunger in America.
Melchior, A., Lanspery, S., and Curnan, S.P. (September 2012). Postsecondary Success Initiative Fact Sheet: Supporting Low-income Youth to and through Postsecondary Education, Careers, and Community Leadership.
Curnan, S.P., Lanspery, S., et al. (November 2011). The Walmart Foundation's 2011 Investment in Summer Youth Employment: Encouraging Results and Lessons Learned. Analytic Evaluation Brief Report Prepared for The Walmart Foundation.
Curnan, S.P., Hughes, D.M., and Lanspery, S. (eds.). (2011). Resilience, Resolve, Results: A Compilation of Readiness Phase Studies of The Skillman Foundation’s Good Neighborhoods and Good Schools Initiative, 2008-2010. Center for Youth and Communities for The Skillman Foundation.
Curnan, S.P., Hughes, D.M., and Lanspery, S. (2011). From Tower to Ground: Systems and Policy Change in the Good Neighborhoods/Good Schools Initiative. For The Skillman Foundation. Waltham, Mass.: The Center for Youth and Communities.
Hughes, D.M., Curnan, S.P., Moldow, E., and Lanspery, S. (2011). Changing the Odds for Kids: Part 1 and Part 2. Center for Youth and Communities for The Skillman Foundation.
Curnan, S.P., et al. (October 2010). Innovating Under Pressure: The Story of the 2009 Recovery Act Summer Youth Employment Initiative: Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis & Marion County, Phoenix & Maricopa County. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Labor.
Burack, C. (ed.). (2010). Handbook of engaged scholarship: Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press.
Innovating Under Pressure: The Story of the 2009 ARRA-Funded Summer Youth Employment Program. (2010). Brief. Center for Youth and Communities, Waltham, Mass.
Curnan, S.P., Kingsley, C., LaCava, L.A., and Frees, J. (2010). Unfinished Work: Building Excellence in Washington DC’s Summer Youth Employment Program. A Report for The Department of Employment Services, Washington, D.C.
Curnan, S.P., Kingsley, C., LaCava, L.A., and Piñeros Shields, A. (2010). Emergency Assistance (EA) Reform in Massachusetts: A Report from Ten Regional Forums. A Report for One Family, Inc. and The Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation, Boston, Mass.
2000 - 2009
Brown, P., Colombo, M., and Hughes, D.M. (2009). Foundation Readiness for Community Transformation: Learning In Real Time. The Foundation Review, 1(1), 125-134.
Center for Youth and Communities, Hampshire Educational Collaborative, Massachusetts Department of Youth Services, Massachusetts Cultural Council. (June 2009). Creative Transitions Initiative.
Task Force on Youth Aging Out of DSS Care. (June 2008). Preparing Our Kids for Education, Work and Life. A Report of the Task Force on Youth Aging Out of DSS Care. Prepared for The Boston Foundation.
The Skillman Foundation and The Center for Youth and Communities, The Heller School, Brandeis University. (January 2007). The Power of Combining Youth Development Principles, Culture and Arts: Findings of a study of the culture and arts youth development initiative, 2003-2007.
Curnan, S.P., and LaCava, L.A. (June 2005). Learning from Business–Community Partnerships. A Cluster Evaluation Report for the Hitachi Foundation Global Corporate Citizenship Initiatives. Washington, D.C.
Community Youth Development Journal. (CYD Journal). Published/edited 2000 - 2005.
Curnan, S.P., and LaCava, L.A. (eds.) (Reprint 2004; originally published 1998). W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook. Publication and international dissemination by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Mich.
Lanspery, S., Stone, R., Curnan, S.P., and Bailis, L.N. (2002). Answering the Question. Rhode Island Children’s Crusade for Higher Education. Final Report on Ten Year Retrospective Evaluation. Providence, R.I.
Curnan, S.P. (2002). Louisiana’s Blueprint for Investing in Youth. Governor’s Office, Youth Policy Network, Funded by the Family and Youth Services Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Prior to 2000
Melchior, A. (July 1999). National Evaluation of Learn and Serve America, Summary Report. Prepared for the Corporation for National Service. Waltham, Mass.
Curnan, Susan P., and LaCava, L. A. (June 1999). Reason, Passion, and Collective Candor: Lessons for Sustainable Partnerships. For the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Full Partners Collaborative.
Curnan, S.P., Melchior, A., and Zuckerman, A. (1996). Toward Quality Programs for At-Risk Youth. In “Of Heart and Mind: Social Policy Essays in Honor of Sar A. Levitan.” W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, Mich., Chapter 13.
Curnan, S.P., and Melchior, A. (1994). Advancing the Youth Employability Agenda: Drawing on Lessons from New Futures and Summer Beginning. From the publication series “Youth Programs: Practical Lessons from Research and Program Experience.” Washington, D.C.: USDOL.
Curnan, S.P., and Melchior, A. (1993). A Primer on Improving the Quality of Academic Enrichment in Summer Youth Employment Programs. From the publication series “Youth Programs: Practical Lessons from Research and Program Experience.” Washington, D.C.: USDOL.
Curnan, S.P., Grobe, T., and Melchior, A. (1993). Synthesis of Existing Knowledge and Practice in the Field of Educational Partnerships. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Curnan, S.P., and Melchior, A. (1989). Working It Out: An Anthology of State and Local Performance Management Options Designed to Increase Services to Youth At Risk of Chronic Unemployment. From the publication series “Youth Programs: Practical Lessons from Research and Program Experience,” Washington, D.C.: USDOL.
Curnan, S.P., Fiala, G.F., and Lerche, R. (1986). Assessing Employability for Results. The National Governors’ Association, Center for Policy Research.