Designing Affordable Health Insurance Products: The Role of Purchasers, Payers, Providers and Policy
National health care reform creates growing scrutiny on health care spending and new insurance exchanges have intensified price competition in the individual insurance market. Health plans are developing new products that feature selective provider networks, strong member financial incentives and new payment models. Because exchanges will initially cover a relatively small share of the population, the strategies of large employers are important in determining whether these new products actually influence local delivery systems. This forum examined different employer strategies including use of private exchanges with defined employer premium contributions as well as active management of employee incentives combined with new provider and service-level cost and quality transparency tools.
The Changing Health Care System: The Growing Importance of States
Stuart H. Altman, PhD, Sol Chaikin Professor of Health Policy, Brandeis University
Leaders, Followers or on the Sidelines: Large Employer Strategies for Controlling Health Spending in a Post-Reform Marketplace
Robert Galvin, MD, Chief Executive Officer, Equity Healthcare, The Blackstone Group
Driving Health Engagement at Honeywell
Brian Marcotte, Vice President, Compensation & Benefits, Honeywell International
Product and Network Innovation: Strategies to Achieve Triple Aim Success
Patrick Courneya, MD, Medical Director, HealthPartners