As a researcher of social policy with a focus on disabilities, children, youth, and families, Marji Erickson Warfield's work seeks to understand and evaluate ways to promote the well-being of children, youth and young adults from marginalized communities, often centering individuals with disabilities and youth in foster care. Current work is investigating an intensive in-home tutoring program designed to enhance the social-emotional and literacy skills of young children in foster care, examining various approaches to connect youth to the workforce in general and STEM and technical fields in particular, and exploring how to provide more inclusive opportunities for youth with disabilities through connections to college-age mentors.
Dr. Erickson Warfield has expertise in a variety of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches to research and evaluation as well as significant experience in survey research. Her work has been funded by a range of federal and foundation sources.
- Meschede, T., Haque, Z., Warfield, M.E., Melchior, A., Burack, C., & Hoover, M. Transforming STEM outcomes: Results from a seven-year follow-up study of an after-school robotics program’s impacts on female students. School Science and Mathematics. (Under review)
- Warfield, M.E., Lorenz, L., Ali, H.N., & Gittell, J.H. Strengthening community participation by people with disabilities through innovative action research. Frontiers in Public Health. (2022). doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.747919
- Warfield, M.E., Meschede, T., & Hoover, M. (2022). YouthBuild AmeriCorps Partners Study: Final Report. Waltham, MA Center for Youth and Communities, the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University.
- Hughes, D. & Warfield, M.E. Care in Action: A Case Study of HopeWell, Inc. Waltham, MA Center for Youth and Communities, the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University.
- Hughes, Della, Warfield, Marji. THEORETICAL AND RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS OF THE HOPEWELL THEORY OF CHANGE AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL LOGIC MODEL: Summary Brief. Center for Youth and Communities, Heller School: 2021.
- Meschede, T., Erickson Warfield, M., Hoover, M., & Haque, Z. (2021). “FIRST ® Longitudinal Study: Findings at 84-Month Follow-Up, Summary Report.” Waltham, MA Center for Youth and Communities, the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University.
- Davis, M., Warfield, M.E., Boguslaw, J., Roundtree-Swain, D., & Kellogg, G.. "Parenting a 6 year old is not what I planned in retirement: Trauma and stress among grandparents due to the opioid epidemic." Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 63. 4 (2020): 295-315.
- Warfield, Marji. "“Well-being of parents serving as the employer of record in a consumer-directed Medicaid waiver program.”." American Association of Developmental Disabilities National Conferences, Minneapolis, MN. June.
- Crossman, M.K., Parish, S., Hauser-Cram, P., & Warfield, M.E.. "The influence of early intervention, informal support and the family environment on trajectories of competence for fathers raising children with developmental disabilities." Research in Developmental Disabilities, 81. (2018): 122-133.
- Crossman, M.K., Warfield, M.E., Kotelchuck, M., Hauser-Cram, P., & Parish, S.. "Associations between early intervention home visits, family relationships and competence for mothers of children with developmental disabilities.." Maternal and Child Health Journal 22. 4 (2018): 599-607.
- Warfield, M.E. & Naim Ali, H. "“Predictors of caregiver wellbeing in a consumer directed Medicaid waiver program.”." State of the Science in Family Support, Washington, DC. June 2018.
- Warfield, M.E., Adams, R.S., Ritter, G., Valentine, A., Williams, T.V., & Larson, M.J.. "Health care utilization among children with special health care needs in military families.." Disability and Health Journal, 11. 4 (2018): 624-631.
- Warfield, M.E., Adams, R.S., Ritter, G., Williams, T.V., & Larson, M.J.. "“Health care utilization among children with special health care needs in military families.”." American Public Health Association Conference, San Diego, CA. November 2018.
- Woodman, A.C., Demers, L.B., Crossman, M.K., Warfield, M.E., & Hauser-Cram, P. "The influence of Part C early intervention dosage levels on growth in adaptive skills through adolescence.." Early Childhood Research Quarterly 43. (2018): 73-82.
- Schneider, K.G., Warfield, M.E., Joshi, P., Ha, Y., & Hodgkin, D. "Insights into the black box of child care supply: Predictors of provider participation in the Massachusetts child care subsidy system.." Children and Youth Services Review 79. (2017): 148-159.
- Warfield, Marji Erickson, Crossman, Morgan, Neumeyer, Ann, O'Brien, Julie, Kuhlthau, Karen. "Transition tools and access to adult primary care." Advances in Autism 3. 3 (2017): 131-141.
- Kuhlthau, K., Delahaye, J., Warfield, M.E., Shui, A., Crossman, M., & Van Der Weerd, E.J. "Health care transition services for youth with autism spectrum disorders: Perspectives of Caregivers.." Pediatrics 137. Supplement 2 (2016): S158-S166.
- Warfield, M.E., & Zwaigenbaum, L. "Editor’s note and prologue." Pediatrics 137. Supplement 2 (2016): S57-S60.
- Warfield, Marji Erickson. "Vocational rehabilitation and training for adults with autism spectrum disorder: History, practices, and new directions.." Primer on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Ed.
- Christopher McDougle. Oxford University Press, 2016. 413-427.
- Kuhlthau, K., Warfield, M.E., Hurson, J., Delahaye, J., & Crossman, M. "Pediatric provider’s perspectives on the transition to adult health care for youth with autism spectrum disorder: Current strategies and promising new directions." Autism 19. 3 (2015): 262-271.
- Leutz, W., Timberlake, M., Warfield, M.E., & Chiri, G.. "The infrastructure of participant direction for Medicaid-funded in-home autism services for children in Massachusetts." Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 12. 1 (2015): 27-36.
- Warfield, M.E., Crossman, M.K., Delahaye, J., Van Der Weerd, E.J., & Kuhlthau, K. "Physician perspectives on providing primary medical care to adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (2015): <DOI 10.1007/s10803-015-2386-9>.
- Warfield, M.E., Crossman, M.K., Delahaye, J., Van Der Weerd, E.J., & Kuhlthau, K.. "Physician perspectives on providing primary medical care to adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45. 7 (2015): 2209-2217 <DOI 10.1007/s10803-015-2386-9>.
- Timberlake, M., Leutz, W., Warfield, M.E., & Chiri, G. "“In the driver’s seat”: Parent perceptions of choice in a participant-directed Medicaid waiver program for young children with autism." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44. 4 (2014): 903-914.
- Warfield, M.E., Chiri, G., Leutz, W., & Timberlake, M. "Family well-being in a participant directed autism waiver program: The role of relational coordination." Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 58 (12). 12 (2014): 1091-1104.
- Friedman, N.B., Warfield, Marji Erickson, & Parish, S.L.. "Transition to adulthood for individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Current issues and future perspectives." Neuropsychiatry 3. 2 (2013): 1-12.
- Hauser-Cram, P.,Warfield, Marji Erickson, Shonkoff, J.P., Sayer, A., Upshur, C., & Heyman, M.G.. "Children with disabilities: A developmental-contextual perspective." Preparing educators to engage families: From theory to practice. 3rd ed. Ed. H.B. Weiss, H. Kreider, M.E. Lopez, & C. Chapman-Nelson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2013
- Chiri, Giusi & Warfield, Marji Erickson. "Unmet need and problems accessing core health care services for children with autism spectrum disorder." Maternal and Child Health Journal. 16. 5 (2012): 1081-1091.
- Budney, Caroline, Warfield, Marji Erickson. Services for Adults with Autism in Massachusetts: An Overview. Advocates for Autism in Massachusetts. Waltham, MA: 2010.
- Hauser-Cram, Penny and Warfield, Marji Erickson. "Early intervention services." Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. 4th ed. Ed. W.B. Carey, A.C. Crocker, W.L. Coleman, H.M. Feldman, & E.R. Elias. Philadelphia: Elsevier Science, 2009. 923-932.
Children, youth, and adults with developmental disabilities and special health care needs; Family adaptation and caregiving; Youth-focused programs; Transition to adulthood; Self-directed waiver programs; Longitudinal Studies; Program Evaluation; Survey Research