Brandeis-Harvard SPIRE Center

Substance Use Disorder Systems Performance Scholars Program

A Mentoring Program in Addiction Health Services Research Hosted by the Brandeis-Harvard SPIRE Center

The Brandeis-Harvard SPIRE Center at Brandeis University’s Heller School and Harvard Medical School invites early career investigators who wish to build a career in health services research focused on substance use disorder (SUD) systems to participate in a 1-year SUD Systems Performance Scholars Program. Scholars will:

  • Explore systems-level issues about addiction treatment and related services, including payment, care delivery, quality, and sustainability.
  • Learn from SUD treatment systems research experts about how to shape your research agenda, build health services research and grant-writing skills, and engage in networking activities with experts in the field.

Application Deadline April 11, 2025 at 11:59pm

Learn more about our current and past Scholars

Program Information

The SUD Systems Performance Scholars Program offers:

Tailored ongoing mentorship

Individualized research project mentorship with experienced addiction health services researchers

Bimonthly virtual meetings focused on professional development and community building/ networking with other Scholars and leaders in the field

SPIRE Center Events

Participate in SPIRE Center educational and networking events

Attend AHSR Conference

Travel funds to support Scholars in attending the Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) conference in October

View the program flier 

Important Dates

Application Deadline April 11th, 2025
Decisions Released Late May/ Early June
Program Timeline September 2025 to October 2026


All applicants meeting the following criteria are encouraged to apply, including candidates from departments or institutions with limited addiction health services research expertise

  • Have completed their PhD, MD, or another terminal degree, 
  • Are new to the field (PhD, MD or other terminal degree completed in last 5 years), and
  • Have an addiction health services research project on which you are seeking mentorship with the goal of a product at the end of the program
    • can be in-process or under development
  • Future plans to engage in grant-funded research in the US
  • Based in the US for the duration of the program

Please Note: If you have a BA, BS, MA, or MS you are not yet eligible for this program, and we encourage you to sign up for our email list for other future opportunities.



Am I eligible if I'm a PhD candidate expecting to complete my degree by the time the program starts?

No. Since this program is targeted toward early career researchers who have graduated and are already established at their home institution you would not be eligible at this time. However, we encourage you to apply next year and join our mailing list for other opportunities in the meantime.

Am I still eligible if I completed my residency within the last 5 years but graduated with my MD more than 5 years ago?

Yes. For MDs, we start counting the 5 years after completion of clinical training program. So you are eligible if you completed your clinical training within 5 years.

Are you accepting applications from international candidates?

No, we are not accepting applications from international candidates in this cohort. 

Does the program include funding for scholars?

No. While this program does not offer funding for selected scholars, we dedicate significant time and effort to grant development, including NIH career development (K) grants which fund scientists at various stages of their careers.

Please direct any questions to Mx. Audrey Hildebrandt at