Social Impact MBA

MBA Career Outcomes Data

First Destination Outcomes

99.4 percent of 2021-2022 graduates with a full-time employment, part-time employment, fellowship or internship, or continuing education outcome secured said outcome within 6 months of graduation

99.4% of 2021-22 Heller graduates with a full-time employment, part-time employment, fellowship or internship, or continuing education outcome secured said outcome within 6 months of graduation.


Of 2021-22 MBA graduates, 35.9% are working in nonprofit organizations, 20.3% are in academia, 34.4% in for-profit organizations, 4.7% in government (U.S. local/state/federal), and 4.7% internationally (in multilaterals, NGOs).

Of 2021-22 MBA graduates, 20.3 percent work in Academia, 34.4 percent For-Profit, 4.7 percent Government (U.S. local/state/federal), 4.7 percent International (Multilateral, NGO), 35.9 percent Nonprofit

Job Function

Of 2021-22 MBA graduates, 28.6% are working in project/program management roles, 17.5% are in medicine (largely MD/MBA program alumni), 12.7% are in consulting, 11.1% in grants/fundraising, 9.5% in research, and 20.6% other (e.g., education/training, communications/marketing, general management, monitoring/evaluation.

Of 2021-22 MBA graduates, 28.6 percent work in Project/program management, 17.5 percent Medicine (MD/MBA), 12.7 percent consulting, 11.1 percent Grants/fundraising, 9.5 percent Research, Other 20.6 percent


Of 2021-22 MBA graduates who provided information, most were employed by organizations based in New England and most were at employers based in the United States. Specifically, 53% were based in New England, 22% in Mid-Atlantic, 6.3% in the Midwest and Mountain West, 11% in the West and 1.6% in the South.

Note that first destination outcomes data cover the time period that international graduates are on Optional Practical Training (OPT), and thus more likely to be working in the U.S.

U.S. map showing 53 percent USA (New England), 22 percent USA (Mid-Atlantic), 1.6 percent USA (South), 6.3 percent USA (Midwest), 11 percent USA (West)