Connecting Concept to Practice
Heller MBA Board Fellows are matched with mission-driven, nonprofit organizations in the Boston area or elsewhere in the U.S. and serve as a non-voting member for one year. The fellows often join board subcommittees and/or take on board projects. Board Fellows are expected to participate about 10 hours per month. The experience provides an opportunity to use MBA skills, develop strong networking relationships, and learn first-hand how a nonprofit board functions. Participating organizations benefit from the unique perspective of a member with Social Impact MBA training and creative new ideas.
After completing their fellowship, some students springboard into an internship, job opportunity, or full voting board member position at the host organization. Heller MBA students are eligible to participate after the first semester of their MBA studies.
Past Host Organizations
- Boston Network for International Development (BNID)
- Ipswich River Watershed Association
- Mass Business Alliance for Education
- REACH Beyond Domestic Violence
- SpeakEasy Stage
- Yad Chessed
- Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters
- American Balint Society
- Bikes Not Bombs
- North South River Watershed
- Education Haiti
- Waltham Fields
- Resolve New England
- Groundwork Lawrence
- Massachusetts Headstart Association
Hear From Former MBA Board Fellows

"I feel so lucky to have been paired with the Boston Network for International Development (BNID). As a Board Fellow, I have always felt supported and empowered to offer my perspective. Once I joined, the entire board offered to meet with me and provide career advice, which is actually how I landed my current internship. Being a Board Fellow has been an invaluable experience for networking and developing personal connections with inspiring, like-minded people.”
Laura Burroughs, Social Impact MBA’22
2022 Board Fellow, Boston Network for International Development (BNID)

"I gained hands-on experience as a Board Fellow for Education Haiti. I worked alongside the board treasurer, planning fundraising events, recruiting board members, and leading workshops. In addition, I participated in all of the board meetings and retreats. I'm so grateful to have had this experience."
Alton McCall, Social Impact MBA’22
2022 Board Fellow, Education Haiti

“As someone interested in the arts, serving as a Board Fellow at SpeakEasy Theater Company gave me real-world experience in how a successful arts nonprofit operates. I was able to see how budgets are created, worked with leaders on development metrics, and served on a committee building community outreach. Overall, working with SpeakEasy was one of my most valuable experiences at Heller. Go see a show!”
Douglass Guernsey, Social Impact MBA’22
2022 Board Fellow, SpeakEasy Theater Company